Example sentences of "and smiled [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When Mr Major and Mr Delors emerged from their talks they shook hands and smiled but said nothing to reporters .
2 Miss Bond shifted her position slightly and smiled but did not reply .
3 She stopped , her hand to her heart and smiled and resolved to wait and be calm .
4 That the little girl who had sat on her granny 's knee and smiled and laughed , would grow up to give herself to anyone and everyone who asked her ?
5 But Mummy opened all the drapes and smiled and laughed when he was away .
6 Henry told Donald some of this , as he did every time he and Donald used the pub , and Donald nodded and smiled and said : ‘ Really !
7 ‘ Then somewhere about halfway , we were doing a scene , and after we had finished he turned to me and smiled and said , ‘ Got me . ’
8 He chewed and smiled and cuffed a little run of juice off his chin with the heel of one hand .
9 Robyn glowed and smiled and felt more confident .
10 He just nodded and smiled and went on chewing Chicken Thallium , slowly and methodically Henry tried to think of a remark that would go with an expansive gesture .
11 The dowager looked on and smiled and thought courteously about the people .
12 Cousin Jane looked across at her and smiled and whispered something to Mike .
13 So I nodded and smiled and agreed , while part of my mind began to toy with the question of whether Balbazian steel was as impregnable as its well-advertised reputation insisted .
14 Details unfolded like flowers , the carved heads on the corbels along his walk grew features and hair , and smiled and grimaced as he passed ; the procession of the capitals of the nave burst into ebullient growth , leaf unfolding from leaf in the vigour of life itself .
15 She carried in sprouts and potatoes and smiled and smiled .
16 Hope asked , gaily , and smiled and smiled
17 Katy twirled in front of the mirror and smiled and smiled .
18 Some people at the church door caught his eye and smiled and bowed respectfully but others looked away and exchanged glances with grinning friends .
19 He would have been much surpris 'd to know my true Opinion on these matters , but I did not chuse to let him be so much familiar , I kept mum , and smiled and nodded as best I might , keeping my Thoughts to myself .
20 He did n't seem in the least displeased with him , and smiled and nodded and touched him constantly .
21 When the old woman and the boy were in the summerhouse they looked up and smiled and showed her what they were making .
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