Example sentences of "be getting [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Jones felt that the slow progress of the assessment and the limited information she received created new problems instead of resolving existing ones : ‘ It introduces so much trauma — you 're getting all the criticism all the time but you 're not getting any information because it takes so long . ’
2 But erm no I think we should take full advantage of it we we 're sitting on erm you know good minerals because as the minerals of the world getting erm shorter in 'sit erm in Africa they 're getting all the copper its getting , well now they 're shifting their interest slowly into Anglesey .
3 If you 're getting all the money he said , you can pay the premium !
4 Erm and that also makes sure , if you 've got it all in front of you , erm that ensures that you 're getting all the information that you need rather than thinking oh hang on , what else do I need sort of thing .
5 you 're getting all the ready .
6 We 've er , he 's just been getting all the photos stuck down on those cards .
7 And I 've been getting all the
8 It is n't easy for any of us today to be sure that we are getting all the vitamins that we need .
9 To maximise your income — which may mean , for example , exploring the possibility of a part time job , or checking you are getting all the state benefits to which you are entitled .
10 I would also suggest that one multivitamin tablet be taken daily to make doubly sure that you are getting all the vitamins you need .
11 When you drink orange juice you are getting all the calories which are present in the orange in the form of sugar , but with none of the fibre filling power .
12 They are getting all the profits from us keeping them entertained . ’
13 The four basic steps on the road back to financial health are : To Maximise your income — which may mean , for example , exploring the possibility of a part time job , or checking you are getting all the state benefits to which you are entitled .
14 There are currently two page description languages that are getting all the attention ; PostScript , the language adopted by Apple and many other hardware and software companies , and DDL , recently taken up by Hewlett Packard .
15 This is what I 'm getting all the time yeah .
16 Predictably , you seem to be getting all the flak for the Bill Davis/Alan Coren years of stagnation and complacency that led to the Punch you inherited a while back .
17 Michael was livid that Hemmings , in the cloakrooms , seemed to be getting all the way with one of the girls while Crawford/Ingram was off in a corner with another girl — ‘ simply practising how long we could kiss ’ . ’
18 We 're gon na get em trained up in the garages before we actually launch , but they are able now to say they are approved installers so they will be getting all the stuff , everything in relation to it , I 've given em a list of the people involved in Nottinghamshire and it 's the launch is on the seventh March at West Bridgford , and basically the system is ready and up and running , thank the Lord after hard work by er Keith and us all at various times , but it 's been mainly down to Keith .
19 Erm the salary part was good and you , you were getting all the other bits and pieces that went on , you got his basic salary and you started talking about other benefits and you were exploring those when we er , when we came to the , to the end .
20 Now spring had sprung and the evenings were getting lighter the baths were hopelessly crowded after school hours .
21 A major difficulty is getting all the appropriate people to be available at the required time , which may well run to several days if there are a lot of candidates .
22 But I mean , a lot of people do n't glorify on the jobs they do , I mean Dinda she said you know , it 's awful being the one who 's getting all the all day long , kind of explained and help them with their problems , sympathise with , with something that does n't work she 'd much rather be outdoors than being a or looking after , but she said you know , it 's , it 's a secure job and these days I think well I 'm not I run my own car and they do n't really think that
23 Especially for Rosie , who 's getting all the post .
24 My first feeling was one of excitement : I was getting all the pleasure of being in a conspiracy without having to take any of the responsibility for it .
25 ‘ They are simply the best in the business , ’ admitted Ipswich veteran John Warke but until Campbell 's treble blast yesterday , Arsenal manager George Graham was worried that Wright was getting all the best lines .
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