Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is necessary for the plaintiff to establish that the train that caused the damage was the train that failed to sound its whistle .
2 I though of Poppy and was surprised to find that the fever that had raged in my blood since I had first seen her was n't there any more .
3 We may also include in discourse deixis a number of other ways in which an utterance signals its relation to surrounding text , e.g. utterance-initial anyway seems to indicate that the utterance that contains it is not addressed to the immediately preceding discourse , but to one or more steps back .
4 There can be no logical distinction between that case and looking at the draft Bill to see that the statute as enacted reproduced , often in the same words , the provision in the Law Commissions 's draft .
5 If a policy is a complex and ambiguous phenomenon , with aspects that go ‘ too far ’ for some people and ‘ not far enough ’ for others , it is important to acknowledge that the dissensus that attends its ‘ birth ’ will continue to affect its implementation .
6 This is not to deny the discoveries that have been made , but to state that the purposes that have given meaning to the scientists ' pursuit of truth have been success in and the sustaining of the scientific establishment .
7 To be awarded the Military Cross is a rare honour exemplyfying service to crown and a county and exemplifies a moment of persional bravery and to have that called into doubt is very shocking .
8 That managed competition may increase in time but it is stretching credibility a long way to suggest that a company that accounts for more than 96 per cent .
9 For instance , it would surely seem reasonable to suggest that a theory that anticipates and leads to the discovery of new phenomena , in the way Clerk Maxwell 's theory led to the discovery of radio waves , is more worthy of merit and more justifiable than a law or theory devised to account for phenomena already known and not leading to the discovery of new ones .
10 We would go so far as to suggest that every sheet that carries any part of the answer of question 9 ought to be marked " 9 " in colour , the first one being " 9 Start " the next " 9 Cont 'd " , and the last one " 9 End " .
11 To say that [ 18a ] and [ 18b ] are simply alternative ways of communicating the same message might be taken to suggest that the decision whether to make the assumption about house-warming parties explicit conveys nothing at all .
12 You will also need a plumbline to ensure that a frame or end panel is vertical ; this is more accurate and easier to see than using a spirit level .
13 We have taken steps to ensure that the circumstances that led to this tragedy can never be repeated . ’
14 In other words , there may be a common-law duty to ensure that the hotel and catering premises are reasonably safe , apart from the duty owed as an occupier under the OLA 1957 .
15 Nevertheless , the aim of the draftsman must always be to ensure that the lease as executed represents the full intention of the parties .
16 The Infomatics Resource Centre reserves the right to alter any part of the published programme if this is necessitated by circumstances outside our control : we will use our best efforts to ensure that the programme as altered remains comparable with the published format .
17 I happen to believe that the fears that have been voiced on that account are exaggerated .
18 For much of the time she was delirious , but there were lucid intervals , during which she was slightly comforted to understand that the nightmares that had tormented her were products of the disease and not of reality .
19 In many ways , it 's the most radical BMW you can buy , with styling that , for the time being , bucks the house style , a chassis that refuses to oversteer and a facia that follows a trend instead of setting one .
20 Sorry , I forgot to mention that the fax and collect method works for tickets , mine was waitning for me last night .
21 ‘ It would be consistent with the data ’ , he writes , ‘ and defensible on logical grounds to argue that the growth and decline in the designated areas merely reflects , after an appropriate time lapse , the gains or losses to the total stock of G.P.s in the country . ’
22 If he 'd had a nice meal by the fire and the box to watch and no screaming and yelling he 'd have stayed in like Hoomey .
23 Once you have chosen the approximate area in which you want to live and the area that fits your first criteria of need , want and mobility you must make a deeper assessment :
24 the words in the Kusaal example would , for example , have to be checked in a frame with a low tone ( Kusaal does n't have a mid tone ) immediately preceding the substitution item , to check if the words that have been marked as being lower than the high tone in the first frame do indeed have the same pitch , or if there are two levels lower than the high .
25 Derek Johns of Sheffield writes in to say that a company that has a rare new species named after it could find its share price sensitive to any environmental news .
26 What we need , however , is not to stretch consent out of recognition but to examine whether the reasons that validate consent in general and consent to authority in particular can not also be applied to some cases not involving consent .
27 The marmosets were injected with tissue from the brain of a diseased cow in 1988 as part of a series of experiments to test whether the agent that causes the various forms of spongiform encephalopathy " such as BSE in cows and scrapie in sheep " can be transferred across species .
28 It requires courage and support from sympathetic colleagues to admit that the things that have been happening in classrooms or schools over the past 20 years have been wrong , pigheaded or simply inefficient .
29 Nevertheless the emergency training scheme served to show that the maturity and work experience gained outside the classroom could contribute a great deal to the life and work of our schools , enriching them in both classroom and staffroom .
30 It is important to note that the consonants that have undergone assimilation have not disappeared ; in the above examples , the duration of the consonants remains more or less what one would expect for a two-consonant cluster .
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