Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] from [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is likely to attract criticism from members on the grounds that it exploits the plight of the unemployed by using them as cheap labour at the same time as removing them from the unemployment statistics .
2 Protracted bargaining , Williamson argues , is less likely for three reasons : people feel part of a unified organization , and so are less inclined to argue ; management has the right to demand information from workers in the organization , and therefore can restrict opportunism ; and , ultimately , management can use its authority to guillotine any dispute that threatens to be prolonged .
3 In the latter I was shocked to find letters from contenders for the distinction of Nottingham 's oldest graduate who were only a year or two older than I. Maybe I ought to record some of my own recollections as a student in the Physics Department of University College Nottingham during the academic years 1928 to 1932 .
4 Please note that I can not undertake to reply to individual queries from readers however I will do my best to answer questions from readers through the medium of this column .
5 The authority of government was still exercised more directly through the law courts than in later centuries , and the authority of the Lords of Trade was underlined when they received the power to hear appeals from courts in the colonies .
6 The trial had been remarkable , since the court had visited a prison in Italy in order to hear evidence from members of the BR , who were in custody there .
7 Some who had tried to steal food from farms behind the Serb lines less than half a mile away had been shot dead .
8 Many credit cards can now be used to draw cash from ATMs around the world .
9 If an investigation requires embryos to be sexed and chromosome preparations are considered unhelpful due , for example , to the Y chromosome not being distinctive , or efforts to C-band are not considered worthwhile , it is possible to separate females from males by the presence or absence of sex chromatin .
10 In the searing Saudi heat the steel plates in the boots , designed to protect soldiers from stakes in the jungle , heated up like a blacksmith 's anvil .
11 None of these articles referred to the activities of the Parents ' Rights Group , to the joblessness and homelessness that had caused lesbians and gays to seek support from councils in the first place , to the findings of the Gay Teenage Group survey about the intimidation and isolation of lesbian and gay teenagers in state schools , to the menace of fundamentalism — or to any other feature of our oppression .
12 The line was built in 1902 , mainly to convey lead from mines in the valley .
13 It was sent a dossier detailing incidents which UCAN claims provides evidence of a campaign to drive Protestants from areas along the border and in Belfast .
14 I am beginning to collect stories from workers about the circumstances in which this happens , and there is no shortage of them .
15 The basis of Mr Bartlett 's argument was that NGC had a legal obligation under the 1989 Electricity Act to link power from generators into the grid system .
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