Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [prep] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He says the Leeds course has broadened his horizons : ‘ We have people on my course from all over the world so the approach tends to be international .
2 He said , whereas my mum over there in the corner , he said , if she had a bash I had to listen to bloody Frank Sinatra , would n't I ?
3 Well actually people in my area do have a concern about this , also though I was brought up in my teens at least within a rural area and I know full well that to hold certain views even those of the majority within rural areas , are not necessarily easily expressed and I have today been told of yet another example of this being the case .
4 For although the two stood with their heads for once on a level pegging , the size of their shadows differed to no small degree .
5 She would spend all day with her daughter and then work on her designs until late in the evening .
6 The Owens have been told by surveyors that the road works could devalue their home by up to a hundred and fifty thousand pounds , and they think the department of Transport should listen to their arguments .
7 The proprietors of Elmfield House , Jim and Edith Lillie , were initially a little apprehensive about opening their much restored and much-cared for home to the public — but they soon came to appreciate the friendship and interest given to them by their visitors from all over the world .
8 Eleanor Thorne moved her head about uneasily on the pillow for a moment or two , wishing she had not complained about the soap , for now Alida might change the brand , keep that tablet to herself , And if it did not lather well , it had such a distinctive scent , a scent Eleanor liked .
9 ‘ There 's some more of her stuff through here in the living-room , ’ he called , beckoning from the end of the passage .
10 National newspapers cull their stories from all over the country — often , indeed , from all over the world .
11 It is thus appropriate that she should begin her enterprise in Out with an investigation of that originary metaphor described by Nietzsche , the act of perception .
12 To meet the growing demand for bigger and better bangs they import their fireworks from all over the world .
13 She had to put up her umbrella at once against the rain .
14 Undertakers would give the poor no credit and , whilst efforts were being made to raise cash , corpses remained on their deathbeds for up to a fortnight .
15 The high cheekbones , ’ he ran his finger from her chin to just below the eye .
16 In April , partly in response to Dell 's campaign , Compaq cut its prices by up to a third .
17 She kept her voice to just above a whisper .
18 Those who smoke could be cutting their fertility by up to a third .
19 Every sixth or seventh day or so , in the morning , as we prepare to sack out , and go through the stunned routines of miring , of mussing ( we derange each eyebrow with a fingerstroke against the grain ) , Tod and I can feel the dream just waiting to happen , gathering its energies from somewhere on the other side .
20 They 'll be forcing their way in here in a few minutes .
21 This nugget that I call ‘ I ’ would bullet its way in even on the music of the spheres .
22 Farmers may have to reduce their herds by up to a quarter if they want to save the country 's forest , the group says .
23 Some plants harbour their scent until late in the day , when it is released in abundance .
24 ‘ We are not playing kick and rush , ’ he insisted when driving out to a friend 's hotel in the Derwent Valley below Consett , pausing now and then to savour the uncluttered Durham landscape , his heart for ever in the North-east of England .
25 were were saying that he was only God from his baptism to Not on the cross , before the cross .
26 He had worked at his books in here as a boy , shared port with Sir John as a stripling in his callow youth , sitting across from him before the fire in this male stronghold , deep in the leather chair .
27 To utilize this to the full , Brusilov resolved to launch all four of his armies at once over a wide front , rather than concentrating them as dictated by contemporary military thinking .
28 It was only when Hurley called Coleman direct at the end of March 1988 , telling him to get his ass over there in a week or he would find somebody else , that Donleavy agreed to release him .
29 Craig made his way at once to the study , the desk was locked as he had expected .
30 He had climbed through her window in the sweet nights , nights that would torment his memory for ever with the perfume of darkness and intrigue .
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