Example sentences of "in over the " in BNC.

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1 As the smoke cleared and the dust settled , two fighter planes came in over the fields and circled the remains of the barn .
2 With the hood down you can lower the windows and go in over the top , but even this is far from ideal .
3 Sea-water was washing in over the slippery grey stones .
4 Leaning in over the sleeping child I must have wanted to see myself as the angel , hovering in protection of an infant who was so obviously in peril .
5 ‘ Things are obviously becoming very busy and I went in over the weekend to do a bit of work .
6 This is our first effort at a full newsletter and we now really appreciate how much effort Lynn has put in over the last few years .
7 After about two hours flying over the sea , they swung in over the coast and were given a welcoming burst of anti-aircraft fire .
8 Determined not to put a foot wrong , let alone go in over the top , as I sometimes do .
9 He became aware of the disapproving looks his noisy party were receiving from some of the older locals who had drifted in over the last hour .
10 But with Karen such frankness was out of the question , and without her cooperation , getting rid of Dennis looked like just another of the many pipe-dreams I had indulged in over the years .
11 The ‘ plane lumbered around , came back into the wind , and began its second run in over the target zone .
12 Certainly not the army of supporters who 've been painting , odd-jobbing and generally mucking in over the past week .
13 ‘ A menace ! ’ quacked another duck , skidding in over the water .
14 FOOTBALL-MAD Mike Grimsley gets a pal to tune in to match commentaries on the radio — then listens in over the phone .
15 I 'm trying to find out what sort of emotional state your daughter has been in over the past six months .
16 The occasional murmur of a man 's voice , the swish of a nurse 's skirt , the creak of bed-springs , the chink of slung-weights shifting , the clink of a glass being replaced on a locker-top , floated in over the screen .
17 The path was ankle-deep in weeds , and to either side the overgrown rhododendrons , heavy with flowers , crowded in over the mosses and ferns of a mild damp climate .
18 We presumed this to be a regular ford and drove across with the water slopping in over the floor of the Land rover , but we eventually made it up on to the high inland plateau .
19 The free edge of the epidermis has clearly moved in over the marked wound mesenchyme , leaving less than 10% of it exposed by this stage .
20 As an innovator , what directions would you like to see archaeology go in over the next twenty years ?
21 You add up all the bills you know will come in over the next year — plus a bit more for contingencies — and divide by twelve .
22 It was still warm during the day , and the sun came in over the trees of the forest outside the camp .
23 Now , as always at the beginning of the rainy season , dense black clouds began to roll in over the Residency from the direction of the river , advancing slowly , not more than a few feet above the ground and masking completely whatever lay in their path .
24 Dusk was drifting in over the park , covering the snow in gritty grey shadows , bringing the houses around the park alight almost simultaneously .
25 But what er what happened is when they rebuilt this building in the fifteenth century the masons found these and reused them reset them inside because they 'd lost their significance in over the three hundred years , so but they were useful structural er things .
26 At the end of the day I had the satisfaction of presiding in the Lords debate on the Bill and noting the very last words in Barbara Castle 's account of the affair : ‘ Now , unexpectedly , I have received a letter of ‘ appreciation ’ from Harold for the ‘ hard work and long hours ’ I have put in over the consultants ' ‘ package ’ .
27 Occasional sounds from the matinee of Coriolanus ( stage management calls etc. ) drifted in over the tannoy .
28 The chief inspector climbed in over the sill , eased down the window and found herself in the hall .
29 You ca n't come in over the top , you must come underneath to get children 's attention . ’
30 been trained in over the you know , the intervening period .
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