Example sentences of "part [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 This was a shrewd move on his part for it meant that he not only had the blessing , and guidance , of the College , but also avoided their censure .
2 But write a simple part for it and do not keep it going long without rests .
3 Somebody wanted to buy it as a non-worker but I said well I said we 'd ordered a part for it so
4 But the funniest part about it was in King George 's playing fields where the cricket club is at the beginning of the war that was a A R P assembly point for the A R P wardens .
5 Er but the not knowing is the worst part about it .
6 The worst part about it was that it stopped right in the line of flight of some bees who were working the field of clover .
7 You know very , that was , that was about the hardest part about it , cos no sooner you were done , you had to start again you understand ?
8 It 's all very well to read through something , but the main part about it is to remember what you 've read .
9 That 's the worst part about it .
10 The ghinocerous part about it is the mega-big way that Citizen Kane have put the title single of their first and latest album on the doorsteps for milk drinkers who want some rhythm and blues with breakfast , in a tape on offer with extra pintas .
11 I said the funny part about it was we never had at home
12 Oh the funniest part about it was when he set these people 's thing .
13 The silly part about it though
14 and the annoying part about it
15 So what was the hardest part about it ?
16 The Wilde apocrypha contains a joke which says it all — or a fair part of it .
17 Whether he is sober enough to go back and fetch his dilapidated car , or should soldier on , is the question here , or at any rate part of it .
18 Two scholarships are available for American students at RADA , which provide the total fee , or , according to parental income , part of it .
19 with one exception , all [ scholars ] contacted have expressed strongly that the service did not appear to see the practical relevance of university training , did not know how to exploit the benefits gained by the individual and in many cases showed noticeable coolness to those who were part of it .
20 For Jeanne Favret-Saada ( 1980 ) , who set out to study witchcraft in the French Bocage , the only means of moving in on the discourse she hoped to understand was to become part of it .
21 Certainly that was a part of it : fear of in love and rejection had sent Jay along the sands away from her , away from the pattern of I-love-her , she-loves-me-not .
22 The dispositional analysis is meant to cover the whole of the relevant mental state , not just part of it , and that mental state must include its content , otherwise what is thought will not be the content of the psychological act of my thinking .
23 Weariness was almost an essential part of it .
24 And Pound 's generosity towards Eliot did not fail through subsequent decades , when nothing was more common among the English intelligentsia , especially the academic part of it , than to assail Pound with weapons picked from Eliot 's armoury .
25 Since the great schism and the Reformation , the single truth had been broken up , but the Anglicans , the Orthodox and the Roman Catholics had and have part of it .
26 Certainly the foreign mystery of the Inca — part of it feminine — stirs Pizarro 's bluff existentialist heart , but the play and production defines it too readily in familiar terms .
27 Road pricing is part of it .
28 But she added that prosecution and imprisonment by a criminal court did not serve the interests of the family as a whole , or of the child who remained part of it , or how victims would deal with contact with the abuser after release .
29 ‘ I had to be a part of it ’ , he says .
30 ‘ The commercial aspects are very good , of course — though I still find the teaching and research spin-offs the most exciting part of it all , ’ says Dr Jones .
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