Example sentences of "put it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 One of the problems I have with what you 've all been saying so far is that you 've talked about encouraging a sense of warmth and security , well maybe we ought to confront the fact that the world is not a warm and secure place and deal with those kinds of issues , and say and put it squarely before children .
2 Igor Bashmekov , an economist from Moscow 's Institute for Energy Research , put it most succinctly : ‘ Citizens do not care about carbon . ’
3 I remember it was he himself who put it most aptly one day when mother had scolded him for commencing work at home on a customer 's suit .
4 But you put it most accurately , Inspector .
5 The employers put it even higher : from 10 to 12s ( 50-60p ) to 18 to 21s ( 90p — £1.05 ) .
6 Er now it claims , of course that this is a more efficient purchasing mechanism on behalf of the patients and the community of this area the problem is , of course , it depends what you mean by efficiency and the truth is , that we may get increased our purchasing in terms of frugal as they put it delicately our patients !
7 As he once put it wryly to a friend , ‘ the guys who have the brains ca n't get elected , and the guys who get elected do n't always have the brains ’ .
8 The possibility of penal cancellation charges in the public domain is a rumour ; I put it no more strongly than that .
9 ‘ I think you put it rather better yourself . ’
10 yes , well , er I follow that , but I 'm sorry I put it rather badly Mr forgive me , part of your defence against the claim by er relates to erm these agreements , you must say that these agreements erm because they are of the standard form are anti competitive and therefore they or part of them are void , erm building on that presumably your defence says or employs er that because erm , you know there void , I du n no perhaps you can tell me this erm , all , all the er all parts of the void , all the power of the agent , the agreements with regard to premium trust funds and the like , er are also unenforceable as between er the erm name and his er members agent , erm and in consequence of that you say , as I understand it , er that that is , all that cause be lost which you can neither set up as a defence to claim under the central bi-law or at least as a set up or counterclaim , I just wanted to explore this aspect of it , erm , as to the consequences of your plea , does it mean that clause nine is put on one side wholly or to an extent in the latter case to what extent ?
11 He deliberated for a long time in front of the pad , and then suddenly rose and put it away without writing anything .
12 Put it away .
13 Jack , I said put it away .
14 Put it away , Maurice , ’ he 'd say .
15 Hughes flew it once and put it away under wraps .
16 Rinsed the bowl under the tap , shook it and put it away .
17 As she removed her wedding dress and put it away , she knew that it would only ever be worn at Christmas and other times of equal importance .
18 Put it away . ’
19 When I come to paint , I like to look at the drawing ; then I put it away and do n't look at it again , because I do n't want even the drawing to influence too much the progress of the painting .
20 When you 've finished writing , put it away for two or three days : leave it , do n't look at it for a while .
21 But he quickly put it away from him .
22 I made that and put it away .
23 Put it away , ’ I said wearily .
24 ‘ It is fatuous but it sells , ’ he said and put it away .
25 On Sundays , she did her hair with far more care than usual , arranging it in smooth red coils and loops , and , with her uncustomary neatness and her grand necklace and her look of youth , she acquired a startling , hare-like , fleeting beauty , pared to the bone ; a weird beauty that lasted until bedtime , when she took the necklace off and put it away again .
26 ‘ Roll it up and put it away , Snake , ’ came the response .
27 I picked up my knitting and put it away .
28 Victorine shouted : go on , put it away will you ?
29 He wiped the spanner and put it away with his other tools .
30 She closed the little book between her palms , and put it away in her handbag .
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