Example sentences of "tell [noun prp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 At this time , Miller told Blair that he had been working with Nathanael St André , ‘ the famous anatomist ’ , examining structures of plants and he believed that together they would make some curious discoveries .
2 A few evenings later , in Russell 's alehouse , Ralph Bryant told Pascoe that as far as he was concerned , there was no reason why they should not sail on the Sunday following .
3 She clung to Joe when he came home , and he spent most of his leave with her , though he went with Anne one day to see Sarah and her family , and told Sarah that Terry had her photograph pinned up above his bed .
4 He told Davidson that ‘ a Socialist Government would have an opportunity of learning their administrative duties and responsibilities under favourable conditions and that it was essential that their rights under the Constitution should in no way be impaired ’ .
5 Wolfgang 's condition had worsened , and he told Sophie that he had the ‘ taste of death ’ on his tongue .
6 Yeah she told Christie that I were going with her .
7 For the King not only told MacDonald that he would see the other party leaders , but said that he ‘ would advise them strongly to support ’ him .
8 Three times he had made it clear to MacDonald that he did not wish to accept his resignation — on the morning of Sunday 23 August , when he told MacDonald that he would ‘ advise them ( the other two party leaders ) strongly to support ( him ) ’ ; at 10.20 p.m. on the evening of the same day , after the Cabinet meeting , when the King ‘ impressed upon the Prime Minister that he was the only man to lead the country through this crisis and hoped that he would reconsider the situation ’ ; and at the Buckingham Palace conference itself .
9 Chamberlain told MacDonald that , in such circumstances , the financial crash would come before Parliament met , and it was therefore his duty to avoid it ; for which purpose the Conservatives ( and Samuel endorsed this for the Liberals ) would give him all their support in the present government or in a " reconstructed " government .
10 What else could the King have meant when he told MacDonald that he was ‘ the only person who could carry the country through ’ and that he , the King , would strongly advise the leaders of the other parties to support him ?
11 He told MacDonald that by remaining at his post with such colleagues as were still faithful to him , his position and reputation would be much more enhanced than if he succumbed ; the Prime Minister must come to some arrangement with Baldwin and Samuel to form a National Emergency Government which would restore British credit and the confidence of foreigners .
12 He told Lisa that before the operation , and for a few months after , she would have to wear a steel frame pinned to her head and connected to a rigid plaster jacket to hold her damaged neck in place .
13 He 'd been right when he told Alison that he was n't overlooked , because he could only see a narrow slice of his lounge from here ; but when he got down on his hands and knees and peered through the wrought ironwork the angle improved and he could see almost half of the room .
14 He had completed a first draft by July 1941 , but he told Hayward that he was not pleased with the result because he was over-conscious of what he was attempting to do : " he was always aware of this problem in his work , and it had effectively led him to abandon much of the poetry he had been writing in his Harvard years .
15 Just at that moment when everyone was crossing their fingers on her behalf , so she looked up and told Jim that she felt she would do better to play out at an angle .
16 A wheezing cough at the other end of the line told Kelly that it was Bob Morrow .
17 I do n't like it and I told Will that he should reduce it to one act with Hamlet throttling the silly bitch immediately !
18 T&C manager Ollie Smith told NME that the venue will stage film , comedy and club nights , as well as live music .
19 An unofficial BR source told NME that ‘ The train is usually so full that it was considered too dangerous to run it this year . ’
20 He told Stirling that he needed his best men himself and he was not going to allow them to join the SAS after the ‘ failure at Benghazi ’ .
21 When Dustin told Brooks that he was up for the part in The Graduate , Mel said , ‘ But you 're an ugly little rat .
22 * The Shah told Walters that he had no intention of abdicating .
23 Last month Arkady Volsky , head of the Kremlin commission which has administered the province since January , told Moscow that Armenia and Azerbaijan were ‘ on the brink of war ’ .
24 He told Heatley that he had been walking along the footpath when the police had made a baton charge .
25 At lunch , Sir Henry told Holmes that he had decided to go to Baskerville Hall .
26 yesterday , they erm they got Jacqueline and told Jacqueline that if know is that you call them bus shelter .
27 And David told Pattie that he that was his son that rung up .
28 Nigel told Eleanor that he despised her for making a pass at him .
29 Afterwards , when the boys had gone up to bed , he told Josh that Mabel 's death was an act of retribution on the part of Almighty God . ’
30 And if that was n't a big enough blow to Travis 's hopes , Rosemary , in the cold light of morning , told Travis that she would not be accepting any more invitations to the flat opposite for supper either .
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