Example sentences of "even when [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In selected cases , however , a safe alternative to circumcision exists — namely , ‘ preputial plasty , ’ which allows complete mobilisation of the foreskin almost without discomfort and complications , even when done by inexperienced surgeons .
2 Shostakovich 's seven Alexander Blok settings embrace a bleak , uncomfortable musical language , even when expressing some sort of serenity .
3 Whatever , Mitchell 's remark suggests how , even when recognized as a fact of culture rather than biology , sexual difference remains fairly absolute within psychoanalytic theory .
4 was seldom indeed far from Irene 's side at public functions , and , even when separated by the exigencies of social intercourse , could be seen following her about with his eyes , in which were strange expressions of watchfulness and longing …
5 They soon learned not to talk when just a look would do , and even when separated , each seemed to know instinctively when the other was in trouble .
6 In Figure 6.10 the new entrance ramp can be seen , together with a clearly distinguished cycle crossing , the gain in green space and the unambiguous signal — even when seen from the air — of the need for changed driver behaviour .
7 The road tops a hill and commences a long descent to a built-up area that , even when seen at a distance , is obviously a place of greater importance than any yet seen on the journey .
8 We will not go into great detail on the dangers of using statistics here but merely point to some precautions which must still be taken even when using statistics which are generally regarded as reliable .
9 Even when using binoculars , it is difficult to sight the lens angle in reverse , but there are general rules that provide a start towards success through experience .
10 Even when using solder-ring fittings it is as well to have some spare solder
11 Other clues to a general theory of addiction have led researchers to focus on the dopamine system — even when looking at drugs which do not affect dopamine receptors .
12 But even when moving to cities like Bristol , people still need specialist advice on preferable location — there is the still sought-after north side , in the country yet near the M4/5 junction and the M32 into the centre , with Bristol Parkway railway station accessible .
13 From this , we conclude that residues 1-193 of c-Jun are not recognised effectively by the DNA-PK even when tethered to DNA .
14 C. Jun residues 1-193 are phosphorylated inefficiently even when tethered to DNA through a heterologous DNA binding domain .
15 Even when applied to the novel , as in Leavis 's writings on novelists or Lodge 's own early critical book , Language of Fiction , the New Criticism looked for passages of quasi-authorial description , or the exploration of consciousnesses that seem to carry authorial support .
16 It is worth pausing here momentarily to observe that such legally provided remedies can be morally justified even when applied to people who are not subject to the authority of the government and its laws .
17 For example , it has been suggested that constitutively activated PKC is involved because H-7 , which inhibits the activity of the catalytic subunit , but not sphingosine , which prevents the initial activation of PKC , can depotentiate synapses in a reversible manner even when applied up to 3h after induction .
18 Let us first note , however , that ethologists no longer find such an all-or-none view tenable — even when applied to lower animals like ducks .
19 Most of the young black people in my study use LE most of the time , even when speaking to other members of the family who were born in the Caribbean .
20 Whether the men had truly neglected their duties is unknown , though in view of the social norms of the period the drinking must have been heavy indeed to have been called ‘ excessive ’ , but employment in government service , even when obtained , was never easy to retain , and the chance of doing so was greatly enhanced by a wise choice of political friends .
21 Her professional courtesy rarely ran out , even when dealing with the Colonel 's wife .
22 Yet even when dealing with individual commissions , Bertelli is selective about what he discusses .
23 Thirdly , there is also growing evidence of a marked difference in the use of imprisonment between courts in England and Wales and those in comparable jurisdictions , even when dealing with similar offence types ( Collier and Tarling , 1997 ; International Bar Association , 1990 ; NACRO , 1991a ; Pease , 1991 ) .
24 Even when played clean , the notes ring on for longer than you would believe possible .
25 All percussion has a pervasive sound and even when played quietly the effect of one instrument does not go unnoticed .
26 Of the stallions : one who spent the day out in a paddock , stuffed the bucket aside with his nose in the second fastest time ; but the remaining two stallions , who lived in yards , completely failed the test — even when tested a second time .
27 Indeed , it is so much within Karajan 's music-making faculty that he would breathe with the music even when watching a TV monitor in a video editing session .
28 Even when considering the middle and working classes , though , we must not forget that mobility levels are still low enough to sustain different class cultures , especially at the extreme ‘ ends ’ of these classes in the upper middle class and the unskilled working class .
29 Waldock , for example , considered that the ‘ general duty ’ upon States to respect the operation of treaties between other States , ‘ even when limited to treaties not impairing their rights or imposing disabilities upon them seems to go beyond the existing law ’ .
30 Secondly , their underrating of the ‘ caesaristic ’ elements of Hitler 's mass charismatic base meant that , far from providing a new foundation for the power of the traditional élites , as they had hoped , the plebiscitary acclamation of the Führer enabled Hitler 's own power to detach itself from its likely shackles and develop a high degree of relative autonomy , at the same time reducing former dominant groups like the army from ‘ power-élites ’ proper to merely ‘ functional élites ’ , unable to check Hitler himself and the ‘ wild men ’ of the Nazi Movement , even when wishing to do so .
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