Example sentences of "turn the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And up from the barbican of the castle , heaving the crowd aside by force on either hand as a plough turns the soil , came the clatter of hooves and a flurry of plumes , and resolved themselves presently into a posse of horsemen , breaking open a clear passage before them with staves , and thrusting the watching crowds back to the walls .
2 Marie steps in front of me and rolls the sleeves up to my elbows and then turns the collar up .
3 Medlycott turns the ball the most while the dependable Neil Kendrick finished last season much more strongly , displacing Medlycott and taking 10 wickets at Old Trafford .
4 Kapil Dev is past his prime , Manoj Prabhakar usually only produces one good spell a Test and leg-spinner Anil Kumble rarely turns the ball past the outside edge .
5 Then , because the battery 's used up energy the motor of the car turns the alternator
6 The extension of the USSR 's geographical writ , with the corollary that ( Brezhnev expressed it ) , Eastern Europe 's borders are ‘ our borders ’ , turns the reliability of Eastern Europe 's ruling élites and their armed forces into a matter of the utmost importance .
7 It must always have been the case that some problems are inherently insoluble , but perhaps it is the stress on all social services that turns the CAB into the last port of call when all others have failed .
8 it turns the skin on your arms to gooseflesh .
9 Mint turns the clock back to a time when sovereign was king of coins .
10 Mint turns the clock back to a time when sovereign was king of coins .
11 Mint turns the clock back to a time when sovereigns were king coins .
12 It may be brine or alcohol and this turns the cheese into what one of my customers calls ‘ garage cheese ’ — smelly !
13 She is like a mechanical musical doll that will perform a ponderous dance when someone turns the dial .
14 Turns the globe in his hands .
15 Robyn turns the ignition key , holding her breath as she listens to the starter 's bronchial wheeze , then exhales with relief as the engine fires . )
16 This automatically switches the machine on when it hears a message coming through , recognises the medium being used , and then turns the machine off after the message has been recorded .
17 ( Crawling to bottom of bed , Peg turns the machine round to him . )
18 And as to Spasov and being saved — ‘ Il me semble que tout le monde va à Spassof ’ — there is still some comic devillife in him as he quotes the Saviour against his bible-selling saviour because she is taking thought for the morrow , and as he turns the gospel on its head with ‘ Happiness does n't pay me because I start at once forgiving all my enemies . ’
19 She turns the water to steam and frees the light inside her , twisting and turning in a sparkling , spinning column .
20 However , the ‘ trade unionisation ’ of general practice ideology which turns the GP into a primary care specialist , operating in group practice with a so-called ‘ team of ancillary workers ’ threatens to undermine the basis of biographical medicine by fragmenting care still further .
21 I mean , what happens when the guitarist turns the guitar 's volume down ?
22 Sauron turns the land of Mordor ( his realm ) into a desolate wasteland .
23 There 's a power cut ; the lights go out and we light candles and gas lamps and end up — a hard core of seven of us ; Andy , me , Howie , another two local lads and a couple of the traveller boys — down in the snooker room where there 's a beat-up looking table and a leak in the ceiling that turns the whole of the stained , green-baize surface into a millimetre-shallow marsh , water dripping from each pocket and dribbling down the bulky legs to the sopping carpet , and we play snooker by the light of the hissing gas lamps , having to hit the white ball really hard even for delicate shots because of the extra rolling resistance the water causes , and the balls make a zizzing , ripping noise as they race across the table and sometimes you can see spray curving up behind them and I 'm feeling really drunk and a bit stoned from a couple of strong Js smoked out in the garden earlier with the travellers but I think this dimly lit water-hazard snooker is just hilarious and I 'm laughing maniacally at it all and I put an arm round Andy 's neck at one point and say , You know I love you , old buddy , and is n't friendship and love what 's it 's really all about ? and why ca n't people just see that and just be nice to each other ? except there are just so many complete bastards in the world , but Andy just shakes his head and I try to kiss him and he gently fends me off and steadies me against one wall and props me up with a snooker cue against my chest and I think this is really funny for some reason and laugh so much I fall over and have distinct problems getting up again and get carried to my room by Andy and one of the travellers and dumped on the bed and fall instantly asleep .
24 She always turns the conversation away when Aunt Minnie starts about marriage and me being an old maid . ’
25 turns the conversation .
26 In the opening of a door it matters not if the strong hand of a weight lifter turns the knob or the delicate hand of a lady , the effect is the same .
27 She turns the Government 's self-help approach around by arguing that urban recovery will only be achieved by empowering the people who live in cities .
28 The driver turns the engine over a couple of times ; says , ‘ What it needs is a little push . ' ’
29 The particles are put into a vacuum with a minimal amount of heat , which turns the ice into steam , leaving the ground particles dry and ready for use .
30 He turns the door handle silently , snaps the door open ‘ Bang ’ and leaps into the room .
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