Example sentences of "hold to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although Francis Berry 's involvement with the cellar came purely from his friendship with Lutyens , this must not be taken as favouritism Berry 's was one of the oldest wine merchants in the business ( the company started trading in 1699 ) , and their first royal warrant was given to them by Edward VII , an honour the firm holds to this day .
2 Such a recitation may lead to the conclusion that one who consistently holds to this position ( as has been my experience ) lands outside the church .
3 Doubtless some protestant paramilitaries — though there have been fewer religious persons among them than in the case of the provisionals — hold to similar religious understandings of the necessity of violence under certain circumstances .
4 This view affects more than just clever scholars ; I believe that for the same reason many Christians who hold to some belief in the Devil do not believe in evil spirits either .
5 The student has to be able to take yet a further step , and to be able to take up stances , hold to particular theories , or simply to act .
6 Proportion of holding to issued share capital ( NB : the effective proportion may be different for IHT and CGT purposes ) .
7 One considers oneself able to be a Christian while holding to these principles because one believes that these very principles are fundamental to Christianity , or at least not incommensurate with it .
8 Then it became apparent that she was holding to some other lodestar .
9 But can can I can I just come back to the point that if you were taking the lowest figure , I mean how realistic is it to assume that you could actually hold to that ?
10 Both are held to economic ransom by a system that ensures they can never free themselves of debt — no matter how hard they try .
11 English law has tended to confine narrowly the situations in which a mistake is held to negative the consent apparently given by the woman : only where the victim was made to believe that the man was her husband , or that the act to which she was being asked to consent was not sexual intercourse , is the mistake sufficiently fundamental to convert the apparently consensual sex into rape .
12 Police believe there are several key factors which link the man being held to that killing :
13 Even if I thought strict liability for accidents wrong in principle , I would prefer that manufacturers of both washing machines and automobiles be held to that standard than that only one of them be .
14 Tail held to one side This is the sexual invitation signal of the female cat on heat .
15 He walked around with a portfolio under one arm and a folding campstool under the other , his head held to one side in a manner considered odd .
16 ‘ You , ’ said Jimmy , hand held to one side , a crooked smile on his face which contained no humour .
17 Through observation of his own case , he became convinced that chronic muscle tension — a result of life 's physical and emotional stresses — which overlays and destroys natural poise we have as tiny children , and manifests itself in hunched shoulders , clenched jaws , a slouched or twisted spine , with , as often as not , the head held to one side , could not but interfere with the efficient functioning of the body , restricting breathing , circulation and digestion .
18 Elections were also held to all 11 peninsular state assemblies ; the BN formed governments in all the states except Kelantan where the APU coalition won all 39 seats .
19 Elections held to new interim National Council in June 1990 [ see p. 37549 ] .
20 Some clauses would need to be printed in red ink with a red hand pointing to it before the notice could be held to sufficient .
21 Parents should be held to some degree , not necessarily to a tune of a thousand pound , but they should be made in some way , to be responsible for their
22 It was important to Trent that he held to that word ; as it had been important to him never to use the term ‘ Loyalist ’ when speaking of or reporting on the Protestant terrorists in Northern Ireland .
23 What left his stamp on the stewardship of our movement was that he held to these passions so tenaciously and yet drew on inner reserves that illumined them with an unshakeable commitment to excellence and that rarest of all qualities personal integrity .
24 Mathematics was my subject , I was simply transferring what talents I had in that direction from one held to another . ’
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