Example sentences of "when [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When checked the form should be dated and signed in the Forwarded By and Date spaces .
2 When checked the form should be dated and signed in the Forwarded By and Date spaces .
3 What makes them interesting is the interplay between depressed singer and band that is capable of creating subtle guitar and synth textures , providing languid settings for a piece like Free , then pushing into country , or a blues riff ( on Get Out Of My Mirror ) , and proves that it can really stretch out when given a chance , as at the end of New Day Dawning .
4 Even if we find it difficult to imagine the strength of feeling behind this ambivalence , most of us can recall or visualize the ambivalence in a parent 's action when given a ‘ friendly cuff ’ , or when threatened with a poised hand and a laughing voice .
5 Wedding photographs also look lovely when given a floral border , and particularly if you can press some of the flowers from the wedding bouquet .
6 It was fortunate that Nigel was never happier than when given a problem .
7 There are few better punishers of poor opposition than Rick Smith , who when given a freer role and told to forget about defending , responds by slaughtering teams single-handed .
8 However , when given a downward loading , this tie-off gives an outward pull on the chest and shoulders , which is painful and liable to pull the leader off .
9 Crabs that live in areas where empty shells are scarce select relatively large shells when given a free choice , compared with crabs living where there is an abundance of empty shells .
10 When given a choice between the two terminologies , Dani men preferred the natural vocabulary .
11 The children also extended the new words to pick out further exemplars from the novel category , and , when given a choice ( with the introduction of a second novel word with further novel objects ) , the two-year-olds assumed that the second novel label must pick out as-yet-unnamed novel objects ( Golinkoff et al 1985 ) .
12 When given a fraction , responses such as unc = 8.1 were given by around 25 per cent of pupils for each question .
13 It is interesting to observe the behaviour of individuals when given a choice of conducting a piece of business in person or in writing .
14 We were then asked by Andrew Howland to please keep absolutely quite when given a sign .
15 Thus the procedure we have already set up will work when given a program not containing any PAR constructs .
16 The preference measures the degree to which females mate with a quadrimaculata male when given a choice between quadrimaculata and typica ; if the preference were zero , mating would be random , if one , all mating would be with quadrimaculata .
17 Just for the record , they were also against burning Orimulsion at Pembroke , and , when given a choice of two possible solutions to traffic congestion in Fishguard , declined to take either of them .
18 When given a choice for her presentation gift from the company , she chose an engraved carriage clock in preference to a watch .
19 There is a wide interindividual variation , however , in breath H 2 excretion , when given a constant dose of lactulose repeatedly .
20 fairclough has always been a good defender ( ex England U21 ) , but he s excellent when given a job , like marking Tony Daley out of the game .
21 Fairclough ( as Ive said on numerous occasions ) is excellent when given a job to do … as he is in this formation .
22 OUR old friend John Dawson can show a clean heel , or pair of them , to all the hoppers in Christendom , of course especially when given a week off from Hartlepool post office .
23 All the time he is encouraged to dabble in this or that to no lasting effect and the relief that such an MP feels when given an actual job , a place to go from 9 a.m. onwards with a definite task to perform , something to do which stretches his capacity more than drinking tea , gossiping and writing letters , is enormous .
24 If , six months later , it is placed in the same box and given an injection of saline , it displays the identical behaviour as when given the drug .
25 This means that a child who is exposed to violent models may be less inclined to halt or inhibit aggressive actions when given the opportunity .
26 When given the game , the king was so pleased that he offered it creator anything he wanted .
27 It was a contrast that I found intriguing , and when given the opportunity embarked on research to explore further its nature and consequences .
28 Would they make these distinctions in their own speech when given the opportunity to do so ?
29 When given the scope and the opportunity , VHWs , as elected representatives of their villages , could make a contribution to the way in which the health centre is managed .
30 However , most scandalous of all is the failure of the Opposition 's spokesmen on industry and on employment , when given the opportunity , to dissociate themselves from it .
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