Example sentences of "who 've done " in BNC.

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1 What they already owned will be taken from them , and they will pay higher bills to feed cash to shareholders who 've done nothing .
2 I 've met women since who 've done it , and seem to be together all right .
3 Just take some tips from our testers who 've done the hard work for you
4 They 're fixing one on Monday so I can see it but I 've already talked to other people who 've done it and they 're so popular .
5 ‘ The youngest watches TV like every other little boy , and from that he thinks that prison is a place where they put bad people who 've done terrible things , ’ explains Margaret .
6 You avoid the villagers , who 've done their damnedest to help you !
7 Those of you who 've done some advocacy before may have used lecterns .
8 I 've had many students who 've done this in front of me who 've started off by saying , my client is not a criminal .
9 To give the poor lad his due , he 's only one of many who 've done the same .
10 So let me begin this discussion then of of channels by er pointing out the methods that have been used for studying channels , and for some of you who 've done the er neurophysiology course this will er be revision but nevertheless it will be pertinent to today 's discussion .
11 you know talking to five , you know , people who 've done their projects , they 've said some of the trouble going out
12 They 've sent me flowers and choclates , and they 've expressed a desire to accommodate the two young men who 've done this at their own institutions
13 I think the people who 've done it are sick .
14 Ta , talking to other people who 've done the course .
15 There is some professional resistance , in the sense that people who 've done a lot of work on programming get used to certain sorts of languages , and if you make proposals about teaching some new way of dealing with computers , they throw up their hands in horror , and object that this is going to be inefficient , or it 's not going to prepare people adequately for what goes on in industry , or whatever .
16 It 's absolutely massive , yes , it 's a national er campaign , so we 've been recruiting people from all kinds of ways ; direct mail , er getting in touch with people who 've done it for us before , er through magazines and so on and the whole thing has been a major logistical undertaking .
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