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1 But four main factors are singled out by Chris Green for the currently greatly improved outlook : the record investment currently being made , at the end of 1989 amounting to an astonishing million pounds a day ; the success of the Networker train whose carriages in 1989 were being delivered at the rate of one a day ; the enormous level of London station development both enhancing the environment ( who at the start of the 1980s would have thought of treating a terminus as a shopping precinct ? ) and producing revenue on the grand scale ; and the steady introduction of Integrated Electronic Control Centres ( discussed in detail in the signalling chapter ) .
2 And so the last page or so is given over to French names : Corbière and Jammes and De Regnier ; Tailhade and Romains ; Vildrac , Spire and Arcos — poets who at the present day have few readers even among the French .
3 Here was a lady who at the age of 50 had certainly decided to quit while she was ahead , and her moving and musically thoughtful recital confirmed it .
4 The orchestra , extremely democratically-run and independent-minded , was bruised , strained and a little anxious about its standards after clashes with the great maestro , who at the same time had spent less and less time with it .
5 At the Madrid summit last summer , Sir Geoffrey Howe , who at the time was collaborating closely with Mr Lawson , tried to insist that she name a date after 1 July next year on which Britain would join .
6 Indeed , their first trip to Scotland since 1981 would not have been possible without the assistance of four British-based companies trading in Eastern Europe who at the eleventh hour put up a total of £10,000 .
7 Most notable in the first category have been six veterans of the Romanian Communist Party who at the beginning of the year addressed an open letter of defiance to President Ceausescu , telling him that ‘ the very idea of socialism for which we have fought is discredited by your policies ’ .
8 One prospect being touted is that institutional investors , who at the end of 1990 held 73% of ICI 's shares , will insist on splitting the job of the group 's chairman and chief executive in two .
9 Born and bred a Land Rover , but crossed with the might and muscle of a Range Rover , it 's just the machine for enterprising City types who at the end of the week want to swap Hampstead and Fulham for ambitious adventures to the ends of Britain 's motorways .
10 One favourite Victorian theme was that of the dying gipsy child , who at the last hour was found by Christian children and so found salvation .
11 Also in the field of twenty-nine were previous winners Early Mist ( 1953 ) and Royal Tan , who at the age of twelve started at 28–1 to repeat his 1954 victory .
12 Alfred Brendel , who at the moment ( but , one hopes , not for long ) is incapacitated by tendonitis , had to withdraw from the London Symphony Orchestra 's Barbican concert ( sponsored by Nikon UK Ltd ) , but in his place Dmitri Alexeev played Beethoven 's ‘ Emperor ’ Concerto .
13 In the meantime all we have is the popular version that Blake was befriended by a 32-year-old Irishman , Sean Bourke , who at the time was coming to the end of a seven-year sentence and was living in the prison hostel just inside the perimeter wall of the prison but allowed to go out to work each day on parole .
14 Given the number of titled ladies in the volume , it is hard to believe that their struggles were absolutely equivalent to that of , say , Aphra Behn who at the end of her life was brought to desperate circumstances .
15 It was all fun , frolic , and magnificent display — apart from an attempt to assassinate the Tsar , who at the time was seated beside the Emperor in an open carriage .
16 Such a brigade did not exist , but had been dreamed up by Brigadier Dudley Clark , who at the time was in charge of an outfit dealing with deception plans .
17 Treated as a wayward child who at the same time was exceedingly precocious , he was considerably indulged as long as he continued to sow confusion in Rommel 's back yard .
18 And since , through election by the princes , the kingdom and the empire are ours from God alone , Who at the time of the passion of His Son Christ subjected the world to dominion by the two swords ( Luke 22:38 ) and since the apostle Peter taught this doctrine ‘ fear God , honour the King ’ ( Peter 2:17 ) whosoever says that we received the imperial crown as a benefice from the lord pope contradicts the divine ordinance and the doctrine of Peter and is guilty of a lie …
19 Feel , originally known as Direct Heat , were formed in the autumn of 1989 and consists of Mike , vocalist Louise Mullinger and a core of musicians , who at the moment includes Tina Turner 's ex-saxophone player .
20 In February 1991 , he was offered the manager 's job at Birmingham City , an English Third Division club , who at the time were so down at heel they resembled an inveterate gambler staggering from one bad bet to another .
21 ‘ Surrounded by the melancholy gloom of night , how different the views of the artist and lover to those of the ‘ lean unwashed artificer ’ who at the very moment greedily swallowing sedition is all agog to hurl destruction on his rulers , who in their turns are as anxiously providing means to prevent its execution . ’
22 It was built in 1874 at the expense of Lord Hotham , who at the time owned much of the parish .
23 The heroine has escaped and alerted the police , who at the last minute burst in and save our hero from a fate worse than death .
24 Those international lawyers , such as Brownlie , who are sceptical about the legality of nuclear weapons use , but who at the same time take a practical view of the law and see it as closely related to what states actually do , are in something of a bind , as they do not hesitate to acknowledge .
25 A great many Greek politicians and officials who at the time said privately that they thought the thing was a nonsense heard themselves publicly using arguments which did not improve Greece 's reputation for honest debate .
26 Charles II found land grants very convenient ; he could give them to people who at the beginning of the century would have asked for monopolies and he could feel confident that these grants would not rouse the hostility in England that monopolies had caused .
27 … that men are not gentle creatures who want to be loved , and who at the most can defend themselves if they are attacked ; they are , on the contrary , creatures among whose instinctual endowments is to be reckoned a powerful share of aggressiveness .
28 The Fauré comes first and is the earliest work here ( 1876 ) , emerging as an ardent utterance from the still youthful composer who at the time of its composition was recovering from the shock of being jilted by his fiancée .
29 If he was thus eligible for that title , there must have been something which qualified him — something which distinguished him from the numerous other leaders , both military and political , who at the time were themselves becoming thorns in the Roman side .
30 The second notable point is the one which , when the remit was published , led to much criticism of it , and which is registered in paragraph 1 of the minority report signed by three of the nine members remaining from the ten who at the outset composed the Committee : Certainly , the terms of reference specified industrial democracy as an extension of the activities of trade unions into the control of enterprises , other than public sector enterprises , by which the members of those unions were employed .
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