Example sentences of "what [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The art critic has no decisive voice in such controversies , though arguments can be made by analogy from existing art to what may be done .
2 This contains the experience and depth of the insider 's knowledge , which Holdaway ( 1979 ) recognizes is unlikely to become readily available , simply because ‘ there is a lack of impetus within contemporary sociology to spend lengthy periods of observation in what may be uncomfortable research situations [ with the police ] ’ .
3 There may be charges for some or all of these services , depending on your income , but it is certainly worth asking about what may be available .
4 To contact the social services about what may be available .
5 Even if this is only one of possible readings , these stanzas and the poem as a whole surely represent an extraordinarily searching and painful exploration of what may be involved , for people of today , in the Virgilian pietas .
6 ‘ This is a subject on which judges need , and should have , expert assistance from a clinical psychologist and not be left to flounder through what may be an ill-informed and perfunctory form of inquisition before the child gives evidence . ’
7 THE GREAT modern , moral questions of the right to life and the right to death will dominate what may be a landmark session of the US Supreme Court which begins this week .
8 They grew with his reading of Frazer who described the ‘ Burnt Land of Lydia ’ contrasting with the surrounding verdure and marvelled ( in the conclusion of The Dying God ) at ‘ what may be called the Australian spring ’ where ‘ the sandy and stony wilderness , over which the silence and desolation of death appear to brood , is suddenly , after a few days of torrential rain , transformed into a landscape smiling with verdure ’ .
9 But according to observers , the Congress estimate could be optimistic — not wildly so , but enough to tip the balance in what may be the closest Indian election .
10 The Government insists that a promise of secrecy given to manufacturers prevents it telling 8 million microwave owners exactly what may be wrong with their machines .
11 We should remember that he does not claim definitely to be refuting the Aristotelians , but merely to be pointing out what may be said against them .
12 He is the head of a great Government office — what may be called the secretarial office ; he is ‘ the King 's Secretary of State for all departments ’ ; whatever writing has to be done in the King 's name is done by the Chancellor or through him and his officers .
13 Lastly , we may notice that even a wrongful possession , if continued for a certain length of time , matures into what may be , for practical purposes , indistinguishable from ownership .
14 Constraints of finance , manpower and time all conspire to limit what may be achieved , and compromises are inevitable .
15 The astronomer , who can predict the exact position of a planet in the heavens one thousand years hence , knows not what may be his own state of health tomorrow … ’
16 Lady Antonia 's biography is the most substantial example of what may be regarded as the new and sober school of historians of Mary Queen of Scots .
17 The two most important catchphrases , certainly by the 1890s , were the ‘ law of evolution ’ and what may be called the spirit of organization .
18 They have been rewarded by what may be the most remarkable statistic of this election : for the first time since 1966 the party in office has improved its position in Scotland .
19 Perhaps to some extent this represents a legacy from Seebohm , a queasiness at what may be inaccurately interpreted as a retreat from the generic ideal .
20 The individual specialist receives notably more self and family referrals , often , in what may be historically special circumstances , for day care .
21 It is held together not by command and obedience but by influence and what may be called allegiance …
22 The end of the dock when at the upper part of its inclined railway makes a practically water-tight joint with the standing work at the extremity of what may be termed the head bay or pond of which the dock then forms a continuation , there being also a gate or gates at the end of the bay to retain the water when the dock is absent .
23 The foot of the inclined way descends below the level of what may be termed the tail bay which is open at the end so that the dock and carriage run down into the water in order to bring the dock into alignment with the tail bay to allow of the vessel being hauled in or out of the dock .
24 The confusing rules prohibiting charging for educational provision ( including anything provided as part of the National Curriculum ) and examination entry ( see Appendix to this chapter ) , and the requirement that a course of study leading to a qualification authenticated by an outside body be approved by the Secretary of State or a designated body , have imposed further constraints on what may be offered .
25 This outcome could not , of course , justify the suggestion that discrimination training is unnecessary for positive transfer to occur , as the control subjects would have supplied for themselves what may be the critical feature of such training .
26 The American biologist Garrett Hardin used it to summarize the message of what may be called ‘ sociobiology ’ or ‘ selfish genery ’ .
27 Six months box rest and twelve months total recovery time , with what may be a permanently lame horse , was always a very daunting thought .
28 For example , if one of a group of grazing horses spots what may be a predator , he will raise his head , neck and tail and flare his nostrils .
29 There are , however , certain risks involved in delegating to people other than the patient the power to make what may be life-or-death decisions — for example , the decision to discontinue certain treatment , to control symptoms , or not to resuscitate the patient .
30 Ultimately , however , what may be needed is a set of proper procedural guides and guarantees which would ensure that whatever the legal rules may be , they are observed in practice 66
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