Example sentences of "if [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Such an analysis , if vigorously pursued , will show , among other things , that all properties are ultimately functions of certain structures , and that reality in the most fundamental sense of the word is structure simpliciter .
2 Boxfish ( ostraciontidae ) release a poisonous substance into the aquarium if badly handled or attacked by other fish sufficient to kill all fish in the same aquarium and itself .
3 It is a laborious process , likely to lead to embarrassing blunders if badly done .
4 A preliminary clipping usually takes place during the course of the knotting , when the weaver cuts the pile yarn to an approximate length after he or she has completed a few rows , but the final clipping is a highly skilled job , which , if badly done , can ruin months of work .
5 If badly managed companies are no more at risk than efficient ones , however , it seems fair to assume that the disciplinary effect of the market for control is significantly diminished .
6 Argument and competition are potentially beneficial and fruitful ; both may degenerate into conflict if badly managed .
7 However , if badly designed , this can be a major source of stress at work .
8 My dogs were straining against the sledge now and yelping as if badly hurt .
9 ( Success , if skilfully presented , did bring greater independence . )
10 Unlike Napoleon III , who believed that diplomacy could , if skilfully handled , bring results without war — and this in spite of his failures to make this work in 1854 and 1859 — Bismarck held with Frederick the Great that : ‘ Diplomacy without war is like music without instruments . ’
11 A series of limited interests makes the alienation of the land very difficult , and , if skilfully done , impossible .
12 Generosity was expected of a king ; loyal servants expected to be rewarded , and patronage if skilfully used could bring the king much support .
13 These might be studied by ‘ serious composers ’ , as they would probably yield new and interesting effects if skilfully combined with other instruments such as low flutes , clarinets , etc .
14 Miller pointed out that ‘ Oranges , jesmines , capers , olives and pomegranites … are annually brought from Italy and , if skilfully managed , very few of them miscarry , notwithstanding they are many times three or four months out of the ground . ’
15 Body weight is often a better indication of development in certain strains and if commercially bred animals are used weight may be the only available measure of developmental age .
16 In this period , the recognition of early flint scatters on the uplands or the coast , or the location of a settlement site , whether in a cave or not , can rarely be divorced from other contemporary sites in the vicinity , even if widely separated .
17 Also fitted as standard : a handy fuel store in the hump and an attitude to water conservation which , if widely adopted , would halve the price of water shares overnight .
18 The decision on prejudice is presumably at the discretion of police and tax officers ; if widely exercised it could set at naught some of the principal objects of the Act .
19 Professor Lear 's assertion that ‘ it is through love that humans , and the rest of living nature , acquire form ’ seems to me a throwback to a much earlier mode of thinking which , if widely readopted , would be about as intellectually productive as a Romanian state-run steel mill is economically productive .
20 Jacques Tajan 's much heralded sale of the largest collection of ancient mirrors in the world on 8 December in the Hotel George V , proved a notable if little publicised failure .
21 The practical making of silage using cheap and simple equipment is well described by Watson and Smith , and , if properly made , it is every bit as nutritious and more succulent than good hay .
22 In Greater London alone , the Bottle Bank Scheme , if properly extended , could save annually some 5–2 million gallons of oil .
23 You can be strangled from the front or behind , by one hand , two hands or the arms ; if properly strangled , you will pass out in a matter of seconds .
24 There is no extradition treaty between Iran and Britain , though this does not rule out granting a request , if properly formulated .
25 And the libel action , if it comes to trial , will give us valuable national publicity if properly handled .
26 Nearly every child if properly taught loves to draw and paint .
27 In our network 's submission on the consultation document we welcomed the opportunity for user expertise to be used in this way if properly supported and paid for .
28 If properly serviced and looked after they would last certainly one , possibly two , maybe three life-times .
29 Maincrop potatoes , preferably unwashed , will keep if properly stored .
30 It went on to add that ‘ the effect of taxation ( if properly understood ) is unlikely to sway a decision to emigrate . ’
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