Example sentences of "all the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Virtually all the coolant which contains CFCs can potentially be recovered , purified and resold .
2 They stopped just beyond the steps of the food office and , all the irritation seeming to flow from him , he looked at her meekly now as he said , ‘ I may not see you again for weeks .
3 The father sees the son coming home after all the bingeing — the wine , women and song — and runs out with love and says : ‘ How good it is to have you home !
4 All the FDA reservations and warnings occurred despite in-house differences of opinion about triazolam 's safety .
5 In all the yelling and argument that followed Jo concluded that Andy the gardener was a starfucker in the literal sense of the term , for what else could her mother have been doing in the pool house at that time of day and why else would she have over-reacted the way she did ?
6 One man had a vision of a railway that would link all the mainline railway termini .
7 Present trends mean that by 2003 , a quarter of all the sulphur dioxide emitted into the air of the European Community will be from the UK .
8 The lawyers are refusing to hand over details of all the litigation until they are paid in full .
9 Erm there are networks throughout the U K and Europe erm for my company and I have to make sure that er all the telecommunication systems are up and running .
10 The broad-fronted houses stood between oak trees that were dressed in all the splendour of autumn bronze .
11 The point to bear in mind is that all that glisters is not gold , and there has been a price to pay for all the splendour .
12 The man who spoke was enough like the priest in face and build to indicate their relationship , but , instead of the severe black habit and tonsured head which proclaimed the cleric to be of the Benedictine order , he was dressed in all the splendour of a prosperous baron .
13 This was the configuration of the rectal CSA change seen in all the balloon inflations .
14 All the ribbon cables and power leads were bundled up neatly , making for a clean-looking interior .
15 In those circumstances , I believe that the military pursued this with all the diligence that they could .
16 The stances are platforms from which techniques are launched and since many of the techniques — whether strikes or blocks — require a specific stance , a thorough knowledge of all the karate stances is essential .
17 All the karate casualties , two of them only nine-years-old , were discharged after treatment at Whitby Hospital , which had its busiest weekend for years .
18 Whom should we therefore ban from public places for causing all the depression leading to so many suicides ?
19 She crossed her arms and stood there bristling with all the counter-strength of the street .
20 My Lord it is since that erm because , as you mention that er because of all the delay , that I am quite sure that positively intended erm I lost large sums of paying my solicitors , solicitors as well as a surveyor and therefore I attempted to er , er to recoup that
21 I sat on the shore and stared at all the junk left on the beach : beer bottles , paper wrappers , bits of clothing , shreds of cigarettes .
22 First you have to dig out all the junk , bag it up and probably lug it through the house .
23 They bolted the door closed , top and bottom , and left Ellie crammed tight against all the junk that was stuffed into the tiny space .
24 She left the attic , by he ladder this time , and then kicked all the junk into a great heap along the banisters .
25 They must have got rid of all the junk they could find in their store-rooms .
26 Joined as an M C. Erm , effectively I I mean I work in a Direct Marketing Department , all the junk mail for the un uneducated .
27 As well as all the junk that 's in the cleaner 's room , it all wants getting rid of .
28 And once the springs were cleared again , and all the junk removed , I 've , I did n't mention that it , it took about six months to get all the junk , prams and barbed wire and tins etcetera etcetera , removed , before you could actually start anything .
29 And once the springs were cleared again , and all the junk removed , I 've , I did n't mention that it , it took about six months to get all the junk , prams and barbed wire and tins etcetera etcetera , removed , before you could actually start anything .
30 For a moment he held her closely in a silence that spoke more clearly than words , telling her that all the friction was over , all the pain …
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