Example sentences of "which [vb base] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Feel free to add some minor magical trinkets such as stone hedgehog paperweights which snuffle about and catch bugs , self-lighting hookahs , or similar minor flourishes .
2 He also runs another 450 ( mostly diesels ) which pick up from home disabled or elderly people needing regular outpatient treatment .
3 The hairs on its furry body are covered with microscopic hooks which pick up the slightly sticky pollen grains as the bee busies around the flower .
4 Like bony fish , they have lateral line organs which pick up the water movements made by prey .
5 The spatial differentials are , however , most marked at the local scales which pick out residential clusters with distinctive social mixes .
6 The team plan to develop classifications of socio-economic circumstances which pick out those most ( and least ) at risk of death or low birthright .
7 When plastered and complete , it still could n't keep sound out entirely , as those walls which butt up to the party wall ( flanking walls ) would still carry some of the unwanted noise into your house .
8 This heading is quite extravagant on fabric and needs fullness of three times the track length for true box pleats which butt up against each other .
9 By contrast , regions which lose out in the early development will see even their initial potential undermined relative to the growth-regions .
10 To prevent this happening chemical agents known as sequestrants are used which bind up the residues preventing them from dropping out of solution .
11 First , evasion of the UCTA by means of secondary contracts , which contract out of rights under the UCTA , is controlled by UCTA , s 10 .
12 Cloud-cover problems will diminish the number of useful images from the 20–22 per year that are theoretically possible , but even so the monitoring of surface phenomena that change during the year ( such as agricultural crops and natural vegetation ) or which change over the years ( for example the extent of the built-up areas of cities or the extent of forest cover ) is possible .
13 These trays take four or six PP3s ( depending on the model of detector ) which push on to snap terminals in the bottom of the tray .
14 We have looked at the attachment of motorists for their cars , the increasing use of heavy lorries , and the reasons why governments are reluctant to impose taxes which push up inflation and weaken an important manufacturing industry .
15 Much of the upland moors are given a scale and a softer appearance by the long fingers of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century stone walls which push up their valley sides .
16 What with the addition of new capabilities to spreadsheets , and the advent of products which push back the frontiers of the electronic spreadsheet concept , it 's becoming a little difficult to draw a line between spreadsheet products and more elaborate financial modelling environments .
17 Theft is covered by the treaty but other offences which crop up in the Guinness case , such as common law conspiracy to rig the market and breaches of the Companies Act , do not .
18 There are archetypal anecdotes which crop up again and again in one form or another .
19 But in any event , in the way shown above , this concentration on squeezing the largest possible instalment payments into the confines of a weekly budget based on weekly pay-packets leaves the deep pitfall that people then have no leeway to cope with unexpected or higher-than-usual expenses which crop up 12m .
20 Finally , he makes considerable use of ‘ natural experiments ’ , the sociological , or in this case literary , device , of studying those natural contrasts which crop up from time to time .
21 But good budgeting means having a budget in the first place , having a surplus beyond merest subsistence with which to plan , bulk buy , meet the emergencies which crop up constantly .
22 Every few weeks he will have to spend a weekend at home near a telephone on call to handle any emergencies which crop up in the area .
23 The algorithm scans the sequence of top symbols of parses , and looks for pairs M , P which crop up together unexpectedly often .
24 The questions ‘ where are we going ? ’ , and ‘ what are they doing ? ’ are concerns which crop up more and more .
25 For a real account of the BCR we must wait for Martin Davies 's definitive history , but although I have only included some of the anecdotes which crop up again and again , and a few photographs , many BCRS member have given invaluable assistance , and the presence of the Railway taken for granted throughout the time covered by ‘ BISHOP 'S CASTLE WELL-REMEMBERED ’ .
26 There are recordings which back up such an assessment — principally the comparative versions listed above .
27 It can be very useful indeed to have research results which back up your own convictions .
28 Even the two towers , which peer over the roofs that block their view , are camouflaged by scaffolding .
29 Food , of course , remains a topic of passionate concern — the focus of minor complaints and disagreements which rumble on for long periods — and outbursts of contentment which are extremely short-lived .
30 It is not one to rally the world 's peasantries , pastoralists and other land-users to change the social conditions which bring about soil erosion in the first place .
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