Example sentences of "will be because " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If they do n't cast you , it 'll be because they 're blind as well as stupid .
2 ‘ If sitcom dies , it 'll be because of the changed nature of television , ’ he asserts .
3 So stick together lads just for another week , whatever we we do , if we go back to work or if we stay out , it 'll be because of a unanimous vote or a majority vote in this lodge , you know w we came out together , we 'll go back together or we 'll stay out together .
4 If she does well , it 'll be because she 's worked for it .
5 And yet , he wrote , if the glass is to be any sort of advance , it will be because of the middle .
6 If it succeeds , it will be because it concentrates on achievable tasks .
7 If Weismann is wrong , I think it will be because there are ways of transmitting information between generations other than via DNA .
8 If I can ever claim association with genius it will be because of my friendship with Emily Carr .
9 If teachers can be encouraged to clarify their thinking and make learning more varied and fun for the children — sharpening and deepening thinking , then this will be because the head has taken the staff along an analytical path that actually raises the level of efficiency and excitement in the classroom .
10 If the University of California 's proposal gets the nod it will be because of the quality of the science involved , Bienenstock indicated .
11 But if it is a hung parliament , this will be because we do n't really want anyone to have any power .
12 And if you take Famagusta , it will be because of these actions .
13 If I do n't do well , then it will be because on the day I was not capable of doing so .
14 If I respect your opinion in the arts , it will be because you are especially intelligent , more than usually perceptive of colour contrasts and harmonies , rhythms and vowel sequences , the shades of meaning of a word , the motives of a character , the ring of authentic or false feeling ; we shall not argue over tastes .
15 Someone may ardently desire to create , love , believe , repent , but if the hope is fulfilled it will be because of a spontaneous process of maturation or crisis of conversion , which reason and will can coax but not force .
16 We 'll die out , there will be no more nomes anywhere , and it will be because of you .
17 If George Bush survives the Presidential elections in November it will be because the Democrats can produce nothing better than Bill Clinton whose appalling record on capital punishment ( he likes it ) is reason enough not to want him .
18 ‘ But the distancing will be because I go out and …
19 There was a novel before which was never published , and never will be because it was mostly autobiography and self-expression .
20 At least I suppose it will be because Mrs Gotobed told me .
21 It will be because Eeyore is n't even trying to communicate .
22 If she fails at the substantive hearing , that will be because the court will then have decided that it would not be in [ J. 's ] best interest for his life to be artificially saved or prolonged .
23 Thus , we will not be able to predict what the apparent values of these quantities will be because we do n't know how many baby universes are waiting out there .
24 Mick , the National Officer has been er , the link between these organizations and I hope that the er , Professional erm , Boxers ' Association will give some credit to the G M B in erm , establishing themselves and we hope , as an organization , that in the future that they can be successful and we can be sure they will be because they 've not only got the likes of Barry but they 've got many other , prominent er , boxers who will , I 'm sure , establish erm , the Association in a very er , positive fashion .
25 So , we ca n't tell what the final deadline date will be because there are so many pro processes , to go through .
26 The pattern is very much first half er , erm , loss or small profit , second half all the profit and in fact you should watch out for the bigger , the bigger Addison Wesley gets , the more the loss in the second half will be because we 're investing for that sale
27 There is a large area of new build around where the southern fire station will be and I do say will be because it will be .
28 yeah , erm I would take a guess that there will be because we still have ambitions to shed a load of space so it would be advisable to re-fit to release further space we have another twenty six smaller stores that we have n't done at all yet other than put a so yes we 'll have an on-going re-fit programme I ca n't give you the exact details because erm how many it 's gon na be but there will be certainly an on-going re-fit programme .
29 I anticipating that is what response will be because I have er basically called him and er
30 If we are out on the day it will be because of human error but computers ca n't do it so accurately . ’
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