Example sentences of "from be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The aircraft at the club I fly ( train ) from are well maintained and do have silencers — albeit they do point downwards .
2 The window locks , which there are many , many different types to choose from are now not the deterrent they were .
3 That is , of course , because people who steal biscuits from are usually are usually middle class etcetera etcetera but people who steal cars generally tend to be toerags , I think the expression is , erm and therefore nobody much cares .
4 Not unless I get a few phone calls from been here today .
5 Manifest dreams are the outcome of a process which allows the expression of these thoughts , preserving sleep by preventing them from being overtly explicit .
6 Conversely , the husbandmen who bulked so large in the assessments of the 1520s , and formed the majority in later subsidies when the experiment of taxing wage earners was abandoned , were far from being exclusively freeholders and copyholders on advantageous terms .
7 Virgin Group is expected to abandon its plan to run a train service in competition with British Rail ; the charges that would be imposed by British Rail would prevent the scheme from being commercially viable .
8 The Attorney General for England states that cases are often brought to trial which , from being imperfectly got up , break down , and thus cause the acquittal of guilty parties .
9 However , manager Brown was full of optimism as he claimed afterwards : ‘ We are far from being dead yet .
10 It may seem obvious to suggest that the level of understanding about purchasing among general practitioners and primary health care teams is extremely varied , but primary care has a long history of suffering from being physically distanced from other parts of the service and the discussions taking place there .
11 To be plain , I 'm a bit exhausted , secretly , about the intellectual advantages that are supposed ( by intellectuals ) to accrue from being physically underendowed or peculiar-looking , though it 's possible to keep up the front in public and many a gulled beloved has supposed that this joke of a frame is where my energy comes from .
12 Moreover , far from being simply denied in the nineteenth century , sex acquires a peculiar significance in structuring ideology and social and political practices , and in shaping individual responses .
13 It is essential to realize that , far from being consciously understood with insight into their inner meaning , all of these psychological developments were totally unconscious and accompanied by no insight whatsoever .
14 It 's a deficiency that they have to go back to another culture , but we hope they 've got sufficient strength from being here to get through that .
15 There are also conditions preventing consumers from being unfairly penalised , if they get into arrears .
16 The strength and the value of the contemporary monarchy derives from being above and avoiding political decisions .
17 But far from being logically and mechanically derived from the ‘ needs ’ of capitalist accumulation , state policies are the outcome of very complex and contradictory processes .
18 The chief functions of the short time-limit under Ord. 53 are to prevent public programmes from being unduly held up by litigation challenging the legality of such programmes ; and to prevent steps already taken in execution of challenged decisions having to be reversed long after the decision was acted upon .
19 So long as this is done where improving the outcome is more important than deciding for oneself this acceptance of authority , far from being either irrational or an abdication of moral responsibility , is in fact the most rational course and the right way to discharge one 's responsibilities .
20 He closed his Manchester school and knowing that his wife rarely deviated from being either in Blackpool or London , he could safely assume there was little chance of a confrontation .
21 The Greensight Project harbours the rudiments of a solution to the problem of our urban commons , which suffer from being either totally neglected or changed into featureless mown grass .
22 It was such men who had to be galvanised into action by a pressing personal letter from the leader of the political interest to which they adhered , and , as Panmure was advised , it was ‘ getting such good friends to take a troublesome jaunt on them ’ which would ‘ save a sett of friends from being either affronted or over run ’ .
23 Finally , the word went around that far from being either Jewish or Catholic , Mr Kernohan was a high official of the Orange Order .
24 Apart from being enormously tough , Troll flesh has the unusual property of being able to regenerate itself quite quickly .
25 Democracy , alas , though still far from being universally practised or accepted , was already out of date .
26 Well , it should be no problem at all but , on my Spectrum at least , the aluminium heatsink prevented the plug from being properly inserted .
27 We are concerned that the exemption of ‘ unfinished data and documents ’ could be abused to prevent information from being properly disclosed .
28 Our present party system and the way it works in elections has passed from being nearly useless to being pretty dangerous .
29 Some products will benefit from being generally available for photography or for legitimate testing .
30 Yet it is far from being exceptionally powerful .
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