Example sentences of "we [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 We also learnt quite a lot as to how we should do it next time , so when we now to it for senior managers erm come April May time er and hopefully that er training will be improved on the benefit going through .
2 The Library sees itself as a major provider of an enquiry service within RBGE , and also as a switching centre for specialist enquiries which we forward to the most appropriate staff for answer .
3 The talks had taken place in a remarkably cordial atmosphere , and at a joint press conference at their conclusion on May 4 , de Klerk declared that he regarded the working document [ see below ] as " an important breakthrough in the peaceful process " , while Mandela said that as a result " not only are we closer to one another , but we are all of us victors " .
4 ‘ In other words , ’ says Maurice Melloul , ‘ our Preferred Suppliers are those which help us most to be preferred suppliers to our own customers . ’
5 When Thomas Turner , Sussex village shopkeeper turned thirty , confides his deep hurt at ‘ the seeming distant behaviour with which my mother treated me today , seeming so mistrustful that I should cheat her ’ , he takes us right to the heart of the complex mixture of love and pain which then as now underlies the relationship between adult children and the older generation :
6 Then we had to ski down to the next lot of lifts which went even higher and when we had mastered that we got on a chairlift which took us right to the top .
7 The muddled thinking that makes us claim at least some vague idea of what God is leads us disastrously to thinking that if we say God can not be one kind of thing we must be saying he is the other .
8 So Gillian told us just to , i if she could phone nan .
9 She nodded , asked for our driving licences , then took us outside to where the vehicle was parked in the shade of a tree .
10 He passed them on to another colleague who led us finally to our places which were kept for us in the Grand Salon .
11 This brings us finally to the vexed sentence which sounds so anthropocentric : ‘ That end is man . ’
12 Being in love with God helps us immensely to be in love with our partner .
13 It can be fascinating , but the allure of intellectualism can carry us away to the point of deliberately courting obscurity .
14 An air-conditioned 45mph express boat zapped us upriver to Marudi .
15 This is far too many for us ever to be able to solve the equations and predict how the brain would behave , given its initial state and the nerve data coming into it .
16 Her wreath in the shape of a tank bore the message ‘ As you once said , there is too much love between us ever to be separated ’ .
17 And none of us like to thing we 've been conned .
18 This view is pervasive amongst ordinary members of the RUC and leads us directly to the issue of how Northern Ireland 's divisions affect policemen and women , which the following chapters begin to address .
19 Such criticism leads us directly to the higher plains of aestheticism from where it becomes possible to adopt a universal outlook , a point of view based on the sort of timeless values that enable one to study objectively ( unsentimentally , unemotionally and ‘ without rancour ’ ) the lower depths of social reality .
20 They are only two types of doubt among many others , but they introduce us directly to the heart of our problem .
21 This leads us directly to the topic of symbols and their meanings .
22 This leads us directly to one of the most wantonly falsified stories in Scottish history .
23 This places his discourse firmly in the domain of public cultural policy and returns us directly to the concerns of the Newbolt Committee , indeed to one of its major areas of anxiety : " Whether the class.consciousness which has hitherto formed the chief force of [ linguistic ] stability in Great Britain , will continue to influence the masses , has yet to be seen . "
24 This last point leads us directly to the question of the problematic ending to the story .
25 In the second place , those of us close to Smith Square greatly underestimated the influence of the press .
26 The few in their thirties were well balanced by those of us close to being geriatrics .
27 We stood in the doorway for a while until our eyes adjusted to the darkness and then , stooping low to avoid the worst of the smoke , we made our way through the crowd to a space that had been cleared for us close to the fire .
28 It could just be that and of course it would be very naive to assume that evolution had adapted us always to be happy with everything .
29 It drives us home to the God who longs to turn our disasters into triumph .
30 I gave chase , passed him and brought us home to victory .
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