Example sentences of "but it [be] " in BNC.

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1 But it is possible to have a covenant which lasts for a longer period , provided that the period is specified in the Deed .
2 But it is a pain that many families are having to live with as the number of those dying of AIDS increases .
3 Art is not , as the metaphysicians say , the manifestation of some Idea of beauty or God ; it is not , as the aesthetic physiologists say , a game in which man lets off his excess of stored-up energy ; it is not the expression of man 's emotions by external signs ; it is not the production of pleasing objects ; and , above all , it is not pleasure but it is a means of union among men joining them together in the same feelings , and indispensable for the life and progress towards wellbeing of individuals and humanity .
4 The imperative for a writer of a chronological survey is that a defined period of time is covered ; this may be linked with a theme , such as the history of styles in Gombrich 's case , but it is unlikely to be linked solely with a spotlight on quality .
5 But it is between coups , or unrests , and has lately been smashed and looted .
6 This appears to be a key point , but it is one that is left controversial .
7 The attitude to time might tell us what he thinks , but it is the most inscrutable aspect of the novel .
8 Imposture is shown in Ackroyd 's novel , in this burlesque of the literary life , to be an interesting business , but it is unlikely to cause Chatterton 's reputation to inch back towards what it was in the retrospects of the Romantic period .
9 It plays with such ideas , to a Shavian pitch of exaggeration : but it is not a novel of ideas , any more than it is a heartless game .
10 Excellent use is made of the text of Tom Jones , but it is now less detectable that this is a writer who has done his stint of teaching English literature at university level .
11 But it is n't plain sailing either to claim it as racist and sexist .
12 But it is possible to believe that the idea of ventriloquism which lies at the heart of it may be successfully applied both to some sorts of contemporary author and to some of what went before .
13 But it is a self which readers of the book can only rarely have found it hard to experience .
14 That Bellow , this participant in Roth 's inner life , can also be said to be out there in the world as his friend , and perhaps his rival , is a fact which does not help one to decide whether or not to trust the reports of literary duality — what comes in has to have been out — but it is very much in the tradition .
15 Levi can sometimes appear incapable of fiction , but it is no less apparent that everything he wrote was fiction .
16 But it is certainly true that in the last sixty years the various schools and academies of acting have had a significant effect on the climate of acting .
17 This question is discussed later in the book , but it is still relevant to the potential drama student .
18 You will find the speeches scattered like jewels throughout the text , but it is perhaps as well to keep to the simpler ones for your audition piece — those where Romeo and Juliet are directly enthralled by love and the declaration of love to another person .
19 Stage fright is something else — but it is usually self-induced and can be overcome , finally , with much rehearsal practice .
20 Her Birmingham background is hinted at and if you can manage a Birmingham accent it might be useful , but it is not essential in finding the character .
21 It may be difficult , but it is not complicated , and if it gets complicated there is something quite wrong .
22 A word here about singing — some schools have courses in choral singing , and may also run individual classes ; not all students are singers , obviously , but it is always a useful addition to other vocal training .
23 Quality in photographs costs money but it is an outlay that is never wasted for casting directors and producers do look at volumes of Spotlight repeatedly .
24 Acting can be both pleasure and torture — but it is not fun and people are sometimes more concerned with the image of being an actor ‘ at work ’ rather than just working .
25 But it is likely that the professionals who have been responsible for the running of such companies at local level will have been allied to the more liberal group among the upper protestant classes , as represented by such families as the O'Neills , who have looked to the English public schools for the right sort of education .
26 The Irish people are defined primarily by their allegiance to the present restricted or future enlarged republic , but it is popularly understood that they will normally have the further characteristics of Gaelic Irishness .
27 But it is the theory of democracy as the right of the majority to rule which is seen as central , rather than democracy as the preservation of minority rights .
28 But it is hardly possible to reconcile this with the claim of the constitution in Article 2 that the new state was the legitimate means of government for the entire island , which included over one million dissenting protestants , forming some 20 per cent of the total population .
29 For when it comes it is more violent , more annihilating , more interminable than I can remember it , this feeling in the pit of the stomach , this physical pain and physical desire to retch , to want to get rid of something , of everything , to want to make all that is inside emerge and disappear , drain away , mingle with the rest of the detritus of the world , but it is not only physical , a physical sensation , he wrote , it is physical but it is also something else , not moral , not psychological , not spiritual , but something else , something other than the purely physical .
30 For when it comes it is more violent , more annihilating , more interminable than I can remember it , this feeling in the pit of the stomach , this physical pain and physical desire to retch , to want to get rid of something , of everything , to want to make all that is inside emerge and disappear , drain away , mingle with the rest of the detritus of the world , but it is not only physical , a physical sensation , he wrote , it is physical but it is also something else , not moral , not psychological , not spiritual , but something else , something other than the purely physical .
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