Example sentences of "but [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 Or take the old woman who is really a slave to the Gluttony of Delicacy but thinks she is the very model of abstinence : She is a positive terror to hostesses and servants .
2 It turned out that she did n't realise they were down , but thinks she must have pushed them into that position when dropping the ribber .
3 She was accused of not taking a stand on feminism or civil rights , but thinks she was always clear about those issues .
4 Lynn , 38 , confessed she was n't as nutty about Elvis as her new hubby , but admitted she 's growing to love the King .
5 She objects to being called a magicienne , but insists she has n't encountered any serious discrimination .
6 But battered she was , the poor kid , and by her own father .
7 Medics are keeping her under intensive care but say she is making satisfactory progress .
8 could not temper itself , but needs she must bewray her outrageous lust , and in an inconvenient time of the year , despising all discommodities of the way and weather , and all danger of thieves , she betook herself headlong to her journey with such a company as no man of any honest degree would have adventured his life and his goods among them .
9 Wendy Almon went to pick up two-year-old Eva , but found she 'd been abducted
10 Once back in her office , she tried to work on the promotion of Hindley Foster 's book , but found she was unable to concentrate .
11 One evening I visited her but found she was out , so I waited on her balcony , smoking a cigar .
12 She would have liked to sleep again but found she could not and so she had to get up .
13 She had originally intended to resell them but found she had grown attached to them and had built shelves in her sitting-room .
14 He followed her eyes but found she was only staring at a door .
15 She tried to shake her head , but found she was pressed so hard against the stack behind her that movement was impossible .
16 No ! ’ she shrieked , but found she was wasting her breath .
17 Those books Thérèse read too but pretended she did n't because then she 'd have to go to confession about them and spell out exactly what she 'd thought .
18 He 's learned his lesson , but has she learnt hers ?
19 But has she got children to look after or not ?
20 Yeah , but has she got any kids ?
21 But battle she must if she was to survive this ridiculous situation .
22 CROOKED tycoon Robert Maxwell 's widow wishes she could help the pensioners her husband robbed but says she has no spare money .
23 Clare has worked for Rentokil at Felcourt in departments such as the post room , the canteen and industrial products , but says she most enjoys her switchboard work with her colleague Dawn Lucas .
24 Mrs Hill does n't know if it will work , but says she 'll try anything to try to save her daughter 's life .
25 She 's resigned to spending this Christmas on her own … but says she wo n't let the matter rest until British Rail backs down .
26 Even the cash-flow predictions they cared about so much were nothing to her but answers she wanted ticked .
27 ‘ Sorry dear , ’ I concluded , ‘ but Piaf she 'ai n't . ’
28 Last night her private secretary , Sir Martin Gilliat said she was perfectly healthy but claimed she had ‘ other engagements ’ .
29 Within a further twenty-four hours , his sister , Mrs Roxie Farmer , divorcee , was taken in for questioning at Royal Hill police station , but claimed she knew nothing .
30 Erm , she 's lived most of her life in the Cambridge and Northampton area but she 's spent six months down in Plymouth , and erm , her previous job before working for T N T was she actually helped set up a baby unit in a private nursery , but claimed she only prefers other people 's children .
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