Example sentences of "this [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Listening to this I on the whole thought that in a real sense he never really quite answered them , on the other hand he made every single person look silly .
2 I 'm often asked ‘ Could n't we have done this ourselves without Doctus ? ’
3 We saw this ourselves during the filming of a television sequence on the laying behaviour of the cuckoo .
4 — is this someone with whom I can be really honest ?
5 — is this someone with whom I can learn ?
6 In the UK it is easy to form the impression that if you tried to get a closer look at something like this someone in a uniform would break both of your legs .
7 But the latter were clearly hopelessly reductionist in relation to a concept such as this which at once opens up the possible significances of what was once merely seen as the aesthetic .
8 Mme Cresson 's first speech in the Assemblée Nationale as Prime Minister made it clear that the President had asked her to form a government for specific policy objectives , defined by him , and Mitterrand underlined this himself in his broadcast to the nation the night of the change of government .
9 Of course he had wondered this himself in the past .
10 I pictured this Somebody as a kindly woman sitting on the other side of a roaring log fire knitting a thick brown woollen sweater and listening to me with rapt attention .
11 Is this somebody from church ?
12 I dreamt up this one during ten stormy and electricityless days last January .
13 Stuart liked this one across the road .
14 ‘ I borrowed this one off a pal who wants it back by nightfall .
15 Snapped this one off er you know in an ac he fell over or whatever , on his
16 His easy manner bordered on the avuncular , but Charles was wise enough not to take offence with the experienced NCOs , particularly this one under whom he 'd served while in the ranks such a short while before .
17 then you can go to indirect pressure and try to control the flow of bleeding by using indeed direct pressure , away from the wound , but where an artery , okay , is running near a bone , so you can compress the artery against the bone squash it hard , and for the arm you 'd use this one under here called the breaking now press , move your biceps muscle away and press underneath there , you can perhaps try to feel it for yourself , did you do that this morning or not ?
18 A gentle girl with a face as pretty as this one beside him .
19 Now do n't pick this one up Gavin Moore , no he knew about that .
20 On 19 March that year Crane told Winters that ‘ Williams probably means less to me than to you ’ , and then proceeded to a hesitant account of how he felt about this one of their older contemporaries :
21 Ministers will also be seeking to lift sagging Tory morale , by offering assurances on a range of issues , which promise to make this one of the most difficult annual conferences the party leadership has faced since Margaret Thatcher came to office .
22 Was this one of Piggott 's finest hours , riding his horse with such supreme confidence that he was able to win despite encountering traffic problems at a crucial stage of the race ?
23 Fast access to hundreds of teletext information pages and a matching stand for your Video recorder , makes this one of the most impressive new products currently on rental .
24 Governments nowadays rarely seek to secure parliamentary endorsement for Acts containing very wide or uncontrollable powers and this fact , together with the surveillance exercised by the scrutiny committee render this one of the most efficiently discharged of Parliament 's functions .
25 It is always dangerously easy to write superficially about human relationships , particularly this one of the mother and daughter living together in old age , picturing them enjoying endless winter evenings by the fire , with never a cross word , and long summer afternoons in a garden of roses , sitting in deckchairs on a lawn that never needs mowing .
26 Was this one of the first disco records ?
27 Ward has modified the aircraft 's firewall extensively , and has added T-28 brakes and other modifications such as extra wing spars , which will make this one of the finest Bearcats flying .
28 As ‘ Lilla ’ has been kept in the South of England for many years its trip to Bala gives Northern fans of these locos a chance to see this one of two in British preservation .
29 Hence Hoi-Polloi , for instance ; this one of the less strange namings amongst the thousands Godolphin had encountered .
30 ‘ Is this one of your regular haunts ? ’
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