Example sentences of "they [verb] are " in BNC.

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1 Some of them included are Lauren Harris , David Milne , William Stevenson and Clark McDougall ( 7–30 May ) .
2 Lots of activities that need a spiritual power to make them work are actually outlawed by God in the Bible , so any spiritual power being used in them is clearly not from him but is from Satan ; God would n't ban something that he 'd created for our good !
3 Some of the characters they met are portrayed by Minton in the book .
4 And they got are the kids alive ?
5 Two of areas of difference they highlight are particularly relevant to the public sector — scope and responsibility .
6 I can only assume that manufacturers who do n't properly configure the machines they sell are either lazy or careless .
7 Hi-fi salespeople who confuse and infuriate customers with tedious descriptions of the electronic wizardry behind the products they sell are no less guilty of this sin .
8 Typically , the figurines which they made are 20 centimetres high and depict worshippers in attitudes of adoration , or reclining goats , or cattle .
9 For two lexical items A and B we can ask whether the respective classes of entities they denote are identical , disjunct , overlapping , or whether one includes the other .
10 Though some of the foregoing indicates diversity , the questions they raise are common to all teachers :
11 The issues that they raise are complex , and procedurally they affect the responsibilities of a large number of bodies , both in Government and outside it .
12 increasingly I think nowadays people converse in not a foreign language , because the terms that people use are familiar but meanings that they intend are not , and th th th the computer people are the worst because they use ordinary words which mean completely different things in the
13 By placing the paragraphs on the node-link-node triples , the traversal of the semantic net and the generation of cohesive linear documents is also facilitated , as paragraphs are invoked only when the two nodes which they connect are simultaneously considered .
14 The gestures they make are at one with their interesting footwork .
15 They 've got this absolute obsession with not telling the truth , which is bizarre because some of the products they make are actually good .
16 When people talk , the sounds they make are nothing like written words .
17 If , as HM Inspectorate argue , the recommendations they make are not binding upon the LEA then this may represent an acceptable blend of central and local control .
18 If we accept that we can not prevent science and technology from changing our world , we can at least try to ensure that the changes they make are in the right directions .
19 And the adaptations they make are made on several different levels erm they might become more alike in their language , in their pronunciation , their rate of speech , their pause or utterance length and their vocal intensities . ?
20 The sounds they make are not the same as words .
21 The decisions that they make are gon na be based on comers commercial considerations , not health , so I 'm sure the doctors wo n't be wo n't be bothered with decisions , Councillor because the accountants will be making them for them .
22 The screws they make are , are to be there in the body and the parts are in the bodies , but the bits they do n't use come back and then they are put back into stock again .
23 Brief details of the operative procedures they undergo are provided .
24 They rarely live in temperatures of less than 25C ( 75F ) and the banks on which they grow are mainly between three and five , and only occasionally more than five , fathoms deep .
25 The fears that the work could escalate into ‘ genetic engineering ’ , by which all but completely healthy babies would be terminated and parents could virtually plan the child they want are futuristic but increasingly real .
26 Indeed , one often gets the feeling that these young people have a positive need for a disciplining , controlling and directing father-figure , but that the father-figures they want are not the ones they have .
27 The relationship between Jacques and his Master is founded on a tacit agreement that the roles they occupy are the reverse of what they appear to be , but when Jacques tries to articulate this he risks losing his power which depends on its going unacknowledged .
28 Moreover , we may point out that even if corresponding attributive and predicative adjectives ( occurring with the same noun ) could be relied on to share the same referential locus , that would be no justification for leaping to an assertion that the two elements are actually " the same " tout court , and even less for claiming that the structural positions they occupy are alternative forms of each other .
29 Whatever novelists may believe about the universe , they do not demand of their readers a formal belief in God or the Devil , or in the forces of history , and the tolerances they expect are wide .
30 The main problems they pose are the excessive patronage they confer on the politicians and officials who establish them and make appointments to them , ‘ their frustration of the implementation of public policies , their financial irresponsibility and their erosion of democratic accountability and control ’ ( Jones , 1982a , p. 924 ) .
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