Example sentences of "on [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Over it all he flung the coarse black cloak of a Bulgar shepherd , and placed on his head a Bulgar 's black fur cap with high points , so that his own mother would not have known him ; and he took his weapons and mounted the famous horse Koulash , on whom Peter had fastened a bearskin so that he would not be recognized .
2 God is a person too ; and what is more , the person on whom personhood itself depends .
3 This benefit is not a free gift to women , as its enemies claim , but the equivalent of a tax allowance for having children ( recognised in other European countries ) , and it is targeted upon the very person on whom responsibility falls — the mother .
4 Furthermore , its application to class differences has been recognised by many commentators , most notably in the work of Basil Bernstein ( 1971 ) on whom Greenfield leans heavily .
5 The thought of facing his old friend , and the man on whom Virgin 's fortunes had been largely built , across a courtroom was too upsetting .
6 This protected what Lord Bridge called the safeguards built into the judicial review procedure which protected from ‘ harassment ’ public authorities on whom Parliament imposed a duty .
7 On page 306 of the first volume ( Remington & Co. , London , 1893 , no translator credited ) Du Camp describes in great detail the woman on whom Emma Bovary was based .
8 Salisbury and Malcolm , the contrasting pair of bowlers on whom England had so creditably gambled , kept at it , and took another wicket apiece .
9 The revised figures were unlikely to satisfy the Opposition , much less the foreign bankers on whom Britain depended for her rescue from imminent bankruptcy .
10 Meanwhile there was a growing silence from those on whom Mrs Aquino must rely — like her own Vice-President , and , it now seems , the United States .
11 Of all the Simons populating the New Testament , the most important is unquestionably Simon Peter , the most famous of Jesus 's disciples and the one on whom Jesus allegedly founds his church .
12 The United Kingdom , in its observations on the preliminary draft , expressed the hope that the Convention would not apply at all in cases in which the address of the person on whom documents were to be served was unknown ; it was unhappy about the possible effect of what was to become Article 15 in such cases and more generally felt that the provisions of the Convention were not apt where the address was unknown .
13 If this argument has any substance , it lies in the fact that service on an involuntary agent attracts no legal as opposed to practical requirement that there be any supplemental transmission of information to the defendant abroad , whereas supplemental transmission of the actual documents served is required to be effected by the huissier initiating notification au parquet and by a Secretary of State on whom documents are served under the similar United States practice .
14 Women cast down , on whom life had left its mark , were to him sisters under the skin regardless of station .
15 Hon. Members have expressed deep concern about the plight of the sheep farmer , especially the hill farmer , on whom milk quotas have a direct effect .
16 If the child in the cradle on whom Carabosse lays her curse after the other fairy godmothers have given her everything that makes a girl lovable could have understood the ordinary life she was forfeiting , she would have renounced their fairy boons ; given the choice , Caterina would have rejected her charms too , in order to be closer to her sister , to be more like Rosa .
17 Western Wolf , on whom Cauthen won over the course last month , should follow up , but faces several threatening rivals , notably Single .
18 A further category of ‘ opposition ’ , which requires careful attention , commonly arises from the fact that the various government departments on whom copies of the order have ( by requirement under the General Orders ) been served will frequently raise sundry points of concern to them .
19 The officials on whom Heath relied so heavily felt the strain too .
20 In Isaiah 63:10 , 11 we read that the people on whom God had set his love ‘ rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit ’ , although he had put his Holy Spirit in the midst of them when he rescued them from Egypt .
21 They were just the sort of purchasers on whom peasants relied .
22 The Keynesian economists on whom Mr Smith relies claim that the impact of his redistributive taxes will be negligible , since the money taken from the better off will be redistributed to lower earners .
23 This notice would be served on the person who is deemed to be contravening the provision and this could include any person on whom responsibilities are placed , whether he is an employer , an employed person , or a supplier of equipment or materials .
24 The survivors are the ones on whom suspicion falls .
25 Peyton may have decided to have Godfrey killed both because of his ‘ betrayal ’ and to stir up hatred against the Catholics , on whom suspicion would inevitably fall .
26 The words come easier from Porfiry who speaks for public justice than from Sonya on whom falls the main and mystic burden of creative , regenerative suffering .
27 For Christians , Jesus Christ is both the model and example on whom Christians shape their lives .
28 Today , the high-powered financiers on whom Michael Douglas 's character was modelled might add that tax is also for wimps .
29 In practice , most information was obtained from a single highly intelligent , articulate and linguistically aware speaker , on whom Dixon relied almost totally ; his procedure then was to check the data for idiolectal idiosyncrasies against the judgement of one other .
30 Thus the words supposedly uttered by a despairing king , just before he turned his face to the wall to die , are an immediate symbol of the reaction of very many of those on whom Mary Queen of Scots was to make an impact , in her lifetime and thereafter .
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