Example sentences of "they to be " in BNC.

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1 But they can be good at conveying what it was like for them to be there , and to be writing it down .
2 They may be talking about membership of Ulster 's protestant secret societies , particularly the Orange order , the Royal Black Preceptory , and the Apprentice Boys ' Club ; or about religion — being saved , being a church member , or even a non-practising protestant ; or what appear to them to be key ethical issues such as drink , tobacco , and money ; or they may simply be describing in ordinary everyday language life in the family , on the farm , and in the village .
3 Therefore , informing consciences on the evil social consequences of divorce was seen by them to be of a similar standing to informing the consciences of catholic lay people on the sanctity and indissolubility of Christian marriage .
4 Crush eggs and caterpillars when seen : trap fruit species with grease bands ; spray with a contact insecticide , or a systemic one if you suspect them to be feeding out of sight .
5 It would be paradoxical for them to be in the vanguard of social change , for as Templeton ( 1980 ) points out , they are ‘ there to preserve the structure ; to uphold the state of play ’ .
6 She decided to do nothing else by way of wooing Lucy until there was real time , time for them to be alone .
7 He would ask young Alex for the ring , and see that it was put well on Mary 's finger , he would wish them to be happy and fruitful and true to one another and that nothing would ever part them .
8 Dudek flicked over the pages , found them to be a little better , but still somewhat hum-drum .
9 The mind puts together certain things and deems them to be of the same kind .
10 We give the child two pencils of equal length side-by-side , and he correctly judges them to be the ‘ same size ’ .
11 He wants photographs of them , information , he wants them to be well .
12 For Americans she had scant respect and considered them to be nouveau riche upstarts , not good enough to hold a candle to the real thing .
13 Looked different from what I had imagined , but then places in real life often are different from what you imagine them to be .
14 Sometimes this can be a considerable expense if the person died some way from where the family wish them to be buried .
15 As each generation reaches retirement age , their expectations may cause them to be more active in all of these areas and make greater demands on service providers .
16 Working Paper 2 states : ‘ … even where a service is regarded as one which must be provided locally , it does not follow that every patient must have that treatment locally , it does not follow that every patient must have that treatment locally , if the patient and the GP or DHA as purchaser believe it to be better for them to be treated elsewhere ’ .
17 The pixel data may be in 8-bit binary words , but it is common for them to be 7-bit binary words , to preserve the capability of 7-bit transmission or coded as ascii hex characters , ie. , 0–9 and a-f , thus also preserving printability .
18 The Germans killed six million and a few years later we invited them to be our guests over here ?
19 Casual references by our political leaders to what seems to them to be the quite recent past can be lost on a young audience .
20 FROM this month , all new cars submitted for British type approval , the test which allows them to be legally sold in the UK , must be able to run on lead-free petrol .
21 People say : ‘ Students are by definition idealistic and impatient — would Mugabe really want them to be any different ?
22 Ismail Ayob , Mr Mandela 's lawyer , had phoned Mrs Sisulu , Cyril Ramaphosa , Murphy Morobe and Cassim Salojee — all MDM leaders — on Monday night to instruct them to be at Mr Mandela 's prison house , also in the Cape Town area , at five on Tuesday afternoon .
23 Both are gigantic construction projects , needing a large number of people to pass through them to be profitable , and with neither of them is the full return projected for a good few years hence .
24 But we want them to be accessible , not stuffy . ’
25 The sensitivity of our topic in Northern Ireland can only lead us to make its problems manifest to readers in order for them to be able better to assess the reliability of the data .
26 The leading one was that there were sufficient other able-bodied persons in the household to enable one of them to be freed for Soviet work .
27 Between June and September 18,000 bargains of this kind in Samara guberniia were annulled by the government , which declared them to be invalid , but thousands more went undiscovered .
28 Observers still thought them to be in the relation of boy and headmaster .
29 Others such as George Cadbury , who initiated Bournville Village in 1897 , and Joseph Rowntree who started New Earswick Village , York , in 1904 , experimented in creating model communities of houses built at prices which would enable them to be let at rents within the reach of working-class incomes .
30 The man finally stood up and went over to them imploring them to be quiet .
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