Example sentences of "that on some " in BNC.

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1 The survey shows that on some issues consumer confidence in the early part of last month was the highest for two years .
2 It is difficult to summarise them , but , broadly , both they and the Cumberbatch survey confirm the public support for televising , suggest that interest waned slightly as novelty wore off , indicate that on some matters there is growing understanding of Parliament , but make plain that many people still have a lot to learn about MPs and their work and roles .
3 After the first week they should have grown used to the idea that on some evenings the pantry will be bare .
4 Mosimann has also noted that on some revegetated pistes there are sharp boundaries separating well-vegetated and poorly vegetated areas .
5 But Evans suggests that on some newspapers speed is valued more than polish and on a busy evening a deskman will find stories arriving faster than he can edit them .
6 I am often asked what makes a good day for bolting rabbits , bearing in mind that on some occasions they will readily leave the ground regardless of surface conditions , whereas at other times — often under what appear to be favourable conditions — they just can not be budged .
7 For example British ministers of transport are fond of drawing attention to the view that on some criteria the UK has the safest roads in Europe .
8 And I mean I have , I I remember that on some T V programmes they they said it 's all bogus
9 Instead of finding Whites had more favourable attitudes to the police than Blacks , and had been stopped , etc. , less ( as found in the studies of larger areas ) , we found that on some measures Whites were similar to Blacks in their attitude and experience , though there was still a tendency for Blacks to be less favourable to the police .
10 Tony Benn is right to be dismayed at the talk of ‘ firework displays bigger than the Fourth of July ’ , but he 's wrong to deny that on some level this is what war has become .
11 One problem that you may meet is that on some boards , the Dabs board is one , both processor and coprocessor sockets are identical .
12 1.7 Example ( 26 ) shows us the second and less common relation contributing to the unfolding of syntactic structures , which we shall call equation , adopting the obvious symbol to represent it : ( 26 ) Fitzpatrick , our neighbour , used to plant potatoes the subject exemplifies the basic pattern [ E = E ] , ( as does the underlined portion of ( 22 ) ) ; in more exact terms , what we have in this subject phrase is : As we have just remarked , equational phrases are rarer than phrases involving qualification ; and , among them , there is a very large disproportion in favour of equation between E and E , rather than between P and P. Nevertheless , the latter can be found ; two examples would be : ( 28 ) what I need is a cup of strong , dark coffee for a fast , convenient trip to the city , take the Skytram This is clearly not to say that strong and dark , or fast and convenient , are equivalent at the type level ; only that on some particular occasion of use , as here , they may be regarded by speaker , or copywriter , as equivalent .
13 I argued that on some occasions there might simply not be enough acoustic information to make a decision , and cited psycholinguistic experiments on the intelligibility of words in certain contexts .
14 These figures were produced in support of the employers ' position in the course of a bitter wage dispute ; the weavers claimed that on some types of cloth they could hardly make 4d ( 2p ) a day .
15 This meant that on some occasions they would be conducted by Busacher , on others by Anton , the old répétiteur , and in emergencies by their own lead violinist .
16 It declares that there is no law — no right flowing from past political decisions — apart from the law drawn from those decisions by techniques that are themselves matters of convention , and therefore that on some issues there is no law either way .
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