Example sentences of "that he give " in BNC.

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1 The other members began to find that he gave the faculty coherence and a sense of purpose .
2 He thought the lectures far too many and that he gave too many lectures for his own good .
3 Legend has it that the mandarin was so grateful to Earl Grey for services rendered that he gave him his secret tea recipe , to keep mind , body and spirit together in perfect harmony .
4 ‘ God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life ’ ( John 3.16 ) .
5 ‘ God so loved the world that he gave
6 It is in holy love that we glimpse the meaning of the cross because ‘ God so loved the world that he gave his only Son ’ ( John 3.16 ) .
7 The terrorist might say that he gave sufficient warning of the bomb for the area to be cleared , and that it was unforeseeable that a deaf person should remain on the premises and be killed in the explosion , which was intended only to cause damage .
8 He puts himself in good light by adding that he gripped me tightly round the shoulders in reassurance , that he gave me brandy , that we talked long after the starlings had ceased their chatter , that we walked down into the street and discussed in jogging stride what guilt or shame or desire could do to the human soul .
9 He was ‘ permitted to put in a long day 's work for his Master , and it can be truly said that he gave his best ’ .
10 Only the historic fact that he gave the Irish capital the first public performance of what would become the most popular of all oratorios .
11 Anyway , there is no hint that he gave her any encouragement at all .
12 He considered that he gave Modigliani a fair deal : ‘ He came to my shop about ten o'clock in the morning .
13 A tangerine that Modigliani gave me — we were in front of a fruit-shop — and another that he gave to his wife : that is my last memory of them . ’
14 Encouraged by the views of our solicitor , David Cooper of Gouldens , Robert Carnwath , QC appeared on SAVE 's behalf seeking to quash Ridley 's decision on the grounds that he gave insufficient and unclear reasons for granting consent .
15 Alternatively , the doctor may argue that he gave the pills to ease pain or for sleeping , and invite the court to believe him .
16 Coleridge 's improbably romantic explanation and evident intelligence so impressed the man that he gave the remarkable child a subscription to the circulating library in Cheapside , where he began , according to his own not unlikely account , to read every book it contained .
17 It has been said that he gave too much of himself in his idealistic way , and that the ‘ political football ’ aspects of the CBC in eastern Canada , where he was finally transferred , caused a breakdown in health and his early retirement .
18 In his memoirs , ‘ My Web of Time ’ , the Reverend R H Gallagher notes that he gave up his car in 1939 on the outbreak of war and never had another afterwards .
19 It was as an administrator that he gave immense service .
20 John wrote these words : ‘ God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son , so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life . ’
21 He did NOT write these words : ‘ God loved the brainy people and attractive people in the world so much that he gave his only Son , so that anyone with 8 GCSEs , 3 A-Levels and loads of friends may not die but have eternal life ’ ! !
22 Commenting on his sexual abstinence Erik Erikson writes : ‘ It is of importance here that he gave up sexual intimacy for a wider communal intimacy and not just because sexuality seemed immoral in any Calvinistic sense .
23 Such was his disillusionment that he gave up the practice of medicine for a while and supported himself and his growing family by undertaking translation work , at the same time pursuing his chemical and botanical studies .
24 Ricky was so furious with Perdita for deliberately sabotaging her scholarship that he gave her the sack .
25 It is certainly true that he gave a sculpture of Our Lady of Sorrows , with a gold heart round her neck , to the hospice .
26 ‘ God so loved the world that he gave his son ’ ( John 3:16 ) .
27 By degrees she , Dinah , had become little more than his reader , except that he gave her too many babies , no doubt absent-mindedly .
28 When he says of Bilbo that he gave up the Ring ‘ of his own accord : an important point ’ , he may be saying only that Bilbo ca n't have become too badly addicted , or more moralistically that Bilbo 's good impulse will help his cure .
29 that he gave the names of two patients to journalists without first seeking their permission ;
30 Hatton was so impressed by his bad boys that he gave them colourful 1930s ‘ punk rock ’ pseudonyms — Alf Artful , Billy Dustup and Reggie Smashem — which are no more suggestive of obedience and docility than other pre-war descriptions of brawls , affrays , legless drunks , or street robbers armed with sand-bags and cut-throat razors .
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