Example sentences of "that [vb base] in " in BNC.

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1 Professor Lynch is uncertain how the fungal growth enhancer works ; a likely possibility is that it helps combat natural toxins that develop in seed and potting composts .
2 This crucial transition can take tadpoles of other species — those that develop in cold mountain streams , for example — two or even three years to complete .
3 It also occurs in other amphibians that develop in crowded temporary ponds , for example the South American bullfrog .
4 It would , therefore , make sense if axons played a part in controlling the number of oligodendrocytes that develop in a myelinated tract .
5 These findings suggest that axonal electrical activity normally controls the production and/or release of the growth factors that are responsible for proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and thereby helps to control the number of oligodendrocytes that develop in the region .
6 The stability of the enterprise conditions of calculation that develop in the East Asian example has not been productive of the formation of high-risk entrepreneurial behaviour as firms launch into speculative and unrelated lines of business .
7 Gallstones are lumps that develop in the gall bladder when the chemical balance of the bile is upset — and women are two or three times more likely to have them than men are .
8 The aggregation of interests is necessary due to the large variety and often mutually incompatible nature of the sectional interests that develop in modern industrialized societies .
9 It is important to note that these ballets were created by MacMillan whose aim has been to convince audiences that dance in ballet belongs to the reality of life and to show how life can be manipulated .
10 At the same time that this mischief is done , the wood itself is ( timber excepted ) but of a miserable account , as any one may suppose , when he is informed , that these shaws have a fence only on one side , and consequently are exposed to be eaten by the cattle that graze in the fields ; hence there is an imperfect system of wood , an injured one of corn , and wretched fences ; by aiming at too much , nothing arrives at perfection .
11 If I want group members ' approval , I will accept the dictates of the group about my role , even though I might not accept that influence in a one-to-one relationship .
12 But what is less often pointed out is that Anselm in The Proslogion also defines God as ‘ greater than can be thought to exist ’ .
13 How far Anselm had travelled along this road , and how much further he would still travel , are questions to which an answer must be sought in the reign of Henry I. But it is clear that Anselm in exile was beginning to see events , if not through Hildebrandine eyes , at least with shades of Hildebrandine colour .
14 Some mammals , especially those that hide in dark dens or crevices , respond to the approach of a predator with an explosive spit and hiss .
15 The Bio bug 's about : There are bugs that creep , bugs that crawl , sometimes bugs that hide in your bed .
16 On the contrary , God gives men so many reasons to have lack of trust ( calamities , uncertainties , loss of hope ) that it could be said that God actually illustrates that trust in something or someone beneficial is not to be erected on happiness or good experiences alone . ’
17 Although countries like Mexico , Chile and Brazil have budding film industries , the products of which are now reaching the industrialised world , it is still North American and European films that predominate in the cinemas of Mexico City , Santiago and São Paulo .
18 Phytoplankton studies have generally involved nets with meshes greater than 35 um , which are fine enough to catch the algae that predominate in most crops .
19 The four ladies found the whole hypermarket shopping experience an immense contrast to the very basic counter service shops that predominate in their home country .
20 In speech , particularly in informal conversation , we plan at the point of utterance — hence the hesitations , false starts , reformulations and so on that are part and parcel of the nature of speech and that deviate in frequency only when speech becomes either highly formalised ( i.e. " frozen " , as Joos ( 1967 ) calls it ) or highly intimate .
21 Some of the most difficult investigations involve aircraft that crash in deep water , frequently depriving the investigator of much of his evidence .
22 Those that remain in villages are the survivors of a larger number of such groupings which were much reduced by the policy of enclosing open fields which was pursued during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
23 The first cells to leave will form proximal structures , like the humerus , whereas those that remain in the progress zone longest will form the tips of the digits .
24 Further investigations by teams of scientists from all over the world have since laid the blame on man-made chlorinated substances that remain in the atmosphere for 100 years or more , where they destroy ozone .
25 Voluntary landscape agreements have not saved acres of hedgerows , heath or woodland and even those trees that remain in lowland England are an ageing population because insufficient planting has taken place over the past thirty years .
26 As well as providing the benefits of a Current Account , we offer students tiered interest on credit balances , no account charges on accounts that remain in credit or within the limit of a pre-arranged overdraft and commission free travel services until the end of February after graduation .
27 I mean it comes as no surprise to me er because of the lack of Health and Safety provision inside the work places and people that remain in work , erm being subjected to longer working hours er inside the industry .
28 Firms that remain in commodity type business are under particular pressure to contain their costs , given that success in such markets typically flows to the lowest cost producer .
29 A statement said that the IAEA had conducted an extensive inspection of the two units that remain in action at the Kozloduy station on the Danube .
30 Just as they could n't leave that bug in her phone .
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