Example sentences of "that [pron] he " in BNC.

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1 In Heseltine 's case , it must already be approaching the danger level ; he needs to be vigilant that nothing he says or does reinforces it .
2 What he did n't know , could n't know , was that nothing he could now do would make any difference .
3 His mission is to assure that everyone he comes across has a happy life .
4 ‘ Newley must realize that someone he knows is connected with the theft . ’
5 ‘ Detective Eddy has received word from London that someone he wants to see is expected to be here today .
6 Maura was going to have the chances that she he self had never had .
7 Levi can sometimes appear incapable of fiction , but it is no less apparent that everything he wrote was fiction .
8 Everything he writes is Jewish in the sense that everything he writes is conscious of the Jewish faith , if that can be said without relinquishing the thought that there are such persons as unbelieving Jews .
9 His range of roles has crossed many more adventurous and challenging boundaries , from the devil himself through to perhaps his now most famous portrayal of The Joker in Batman and when Nicholson insists that everything he does on screen is in some way autobiographical , delves into what makes him tick find contradictions and confusion at almost every turn .
10 He placed an old towel on the bathroom floor so that it would not get wet and he ensured that everything he needed was within reach so that he did not have to move from the spot and so drip water everywhere .
11 I had , of course , been told by my surgeon that everything he could see he had taken out , On the other hand , I had chosen to explore further on my own and I was learning that cancer has this nasty habit of playing possum .
12 McMurdo would like to persist with the illusion that everything he touches turns to gold , but several Scottish professionals think otherwise .
13 He thought back over the last few hours , the acknowledged relief of talking to Alice , the knowledge that nothing shocked her , nothing surprised her , that everything he did , if not right in her eyes , was judged by a different standard from the one she rigorously applied to the rest of her life .
14 When the scribe asked him what was wrong , Thomas replied that everything he had written was straw compared with what he had seen .
15 Secondly , it has a very chastening effect on the inspector who knows that everything he says in his report is liable to be critically examined by a review board and , if necessary , corrected for all to see — and this at the whim of those whose actions he is criticising .
16 It must have seemed that everything he had ever worked for was falling apart .
17 He had begun to feel that Carrie was really growing to love him , and having borne him his first child the future had seemed so promising , but now today he had been reminded that everything he had hoped and prayed for could so easily crumble into dust .
18 God told him that everything he had made was good , and again invited him to eat …
19 Wilko has said that everything he and the club has done was always with Strachan beside him , or just behind .
20 Nonetheless , he genuinely believed that everything he said was true .
21 I know he has a reputation for toughness that could match Martin 's any day , but the difference is that everything he does is legal and above board .
22 He made me know that I was growing old , and that everything he was was slipping out of my hands .
23 Tolkien 's contention was that something he called ‘ the ulsterior motive ’ — the bogey of Lewis 's Ulster background — lurked beneath the surface of his imagination , and rose when he was off his guard to make him brutal in manners , crude or illogical in thought .
24 If she told him that something he had painted worked , he believed it — at least at the beginning of their marriage .
25 He was dressed in the garb of a typical construct worker , so that anybody he passed would take him for such .
26 The pope envisaged that whomsoever he sent would eradicate all that required uprooting throughout ‘ your island ’ — that is , Britain — and such wide jurisdiction at this time belonged only to Canterbury .
27 Because Mr has represented him , Mr said before that he he thought it was as duty solicitor that he , he has represented him at some stage as duty solicitor but , he is represented under legal aid though this defendant by a firm of solicitors in Birmingham and he 's anxious to be committed for trial today .
28 And he never got into the pits , so Les and he was er was a very fine Marxist that he he he could tell you anything you know about Marxism .
29 And er it was said that he he was he 'd been away ill .
30 A and that and that he he was born God and that died on the cross as God .
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