Example sentences of "he [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He supposed they would lock Ho in the boot or hide him somewhere while his father was fetched .
2 She said her parents liked him tremendously and surely that must count for something even in this day and age !
3 Some good men feared his radicalism , and some good men disliked his passion , and some less good men thought him little but a rhetorician .
4 Beware him most when he smiles his widest , he told himself .
5 A second line of argument advanced on behalf of the doctor to justify his failure to accede to the request of his patient is that the doctor must continue treatment because to do otherwise would render him criminally and/or civilly liable .
6 ‘ Wait ! ’ she instructed him furiously as he turned and walked off , but although his steps slowed , he did n't stop , forcing her to follow if she wanted to be heard .
7 She glared at him furiously and threw the bag on to the ground in uncaring fury .
8 It occurred to him forcibly that he would have no objection at all to extending this romantic episode further .
9 At each stop they would take one side of the street each and he could not help notice the disappointment on people 's faces if they got him rather than her .
10 Given a choice , you would have taken him rather than Timothy Hutton for a solicitor .
11 This then leads us to trust in God and to obey him rather than ourselves .
12 However , his departure was more like triumph since he took with him some 2000 men who preferred to go into exile with him rather than remain in Alfonso 's service .
13 She precedes him rather than staying behind as befits a consort .
14 It had taken a week to obtain , and had Hapsburg officialdom realized that it was for him rather than Aranyos it would have been unlikely to arrive before the end of the war .
15 So pray for him as much as you talk to him ; raise questions rather than make statements ; use the rapier and not the sledgehammer ; care for him rather than judge him .
16 Indeed , in the final I had the strange sensation of feeling privileged to be running with him rather than determined to try to beat him .
17 Fifteen years later , it became obvious that Lord Sagramoso was seducing the hereditary lords of neighbouring star systems — mainly agricultural ones — to turn preachers into compost and swear fealty to him rather than to a deity thirty thousand light years distant .
18 ‘ It 's still forgery , ’ said Sergeant Joe , although it amused him rather than troubled him , this gainful exercise of his talents .
19 But it was Barth himself who really carried this programme through , insisting that even the doctrines of creation and sin must be grounded in christology , that there is no predestination of God apart from Jesus Christ , that on the cross Jesus himself is the one rejected and abandoned by God , and that both judgement and mercy , reprobation and election , must be seen as worked through in him , All these lines must , so to speak , be carried into the centre where they meet in Jesus Christ himself , and be seen as opening out from him rather than as constituting a distinct frame of reference into which he can be subsequently fitted .
20 In his review for Vanity Fair Pare Lorentz argued that all the minor characters in I am a Fugitive were caricatures and that the film had been spoilt by the director 's decision to make the fugitive a hero and to tell the story through him rather than making the actual prison system the central focus of the film .
21 The accredited representatives of foreign States participating in the investigation should be attached to him rather than to a particular group , so that they have a complete appreciation of the whole picture .
22 Had the student acted without regard to either of these considerations , then the act of admission to residential care might have come to represent for John an aggressive act against him rather than one which was intended to be supportive .
23 Charles 's territories could already have been described as an empire , in the sense that he ruled over a collection of different political units held together by the allegiance his subjects felt they owed him rather than through a sense of common institutions or common language which could serve as the foundation for a unifying national spirit .
24 As early as March or April 1330 Edward III was attempting to assert his independence of the regime at court and to build up a body of supporters loyal to him rather than to Mortimer and Isabella .
25 When it was announced by the State Department on 17 October that military equipment , including light bombers , was being supplied for the armed forces both of France and of the Associated States , it was a distinction without a difference because in practice it was the French who were in control : even if Bao Dai was insistent that the French officers who were to train the soldiers of the Vietnamese national army should be responsible directly to him rather than to the French High Command .
26 Readers attributed to Martyn a degree of responsibility for the content of the journal , and some sent their comments to him rather than to Oldenburg .
27 Benjamin just stared fascinated and I studied him rather than the condemned man for , as I have remarked before , Benjamin had a horror of public executions .
28 Do you whore for him rather than for Matilda ? ’
29 That is the old-fashioned type of socialism that the hon. Member for Sheffield , Hillsborough ( Mr. Flannery ) has always pursued , and unfortunately the occupants of the Labour Front Bench have taken a lead from him rather than from more sensible parents .
30 With an odd feeling that he was asking because it was expected of him rather than out of genuine interest , she replied somewhat stiltedly , ‘ Once I 've a clear picture of the items to be displayed , and which room they 're to go in , I can begin the first rough draft for the catalogue . ’
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