Example sentences of "for these [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The evidence for these remarks is to be found in a series of letters which are among the most revealing of his later years .
2 The only fact of a similar kind of which I am aware , is the constant asserted difference — between the wolf-like Fox of East & West Falkland Islds. — If there is the slightest foundations for these remarks the zoology of Archipelagos — will be well worth examining ; for such facts [ would — ( inserted ) ] undermine the stability of species . ’
3 That is if erm material , material for these topics should be lively and interesting for the broad range of pupil ability i.e. differentiation .
4 In many ways the Settlement movement of the 1880s and 1890s provided test sites for these initiatives .
5 For example we can use it to show that it is possible to pivot from any primal feasible tableau ( T1 ) corresponding to a set of constraints to any other primal feasible tableau ( T2 ) for these constraints , maintaining primal feasibility .
6 Thank God for these defenders of the green faith .
7 The reasons for these biases are many and varied , including the profitability of certain preparations ( zero for traditional methods , minimal for reusable contraceptives like the diaphragm ) , the extent to which they depend on continuing ‘ motivation ’ of the user ( high for traditional and barrier methods and the pill ) , and of course the efficiency of the method itself .
8 Medical scientists will test anonymously all possible ethnic and social groups for these genes , and doubtless some ethnic differences will be found .
9 This implies partial transcriptional or post-transcriptional compensation for these genes .
10 As cash flow has suffered , so the ratio has risen again , as it always does during recessions for these industries , which include transport , construction , communication and the manufacturing of durable goods .
11 For these industries steel from Motherwell is an important local raw material .
12 In the three following subsections we examine their potential for these applications. ,
13 For these services , and following a series of travel talks which I wrote and broadcast in the autumn of 1929 , I was made an Honorary Member of the M.J.A.R.A. , and appointed to the executive committee .
14 Alternatively , planners may have a high potential demand for these services , and are therefore concerned to make them easier to use and thereby to expand their use .
15 Therefore providers ought to be able to agree to contracts for these services at a lower price .
16 The health authority does not exist to service nursing homes , so there must be a charge for these services .
17 Equipment for these services and staff had to be worked out and costed .
18 But Mrs Collis has found raising funds for these services particularly hard in the past year .
19 There is a demand for these services , and these facilities are possibly less developed in rural areas .
20 An innkeeper is not bound to supply with reasonable refreshment or to accommodate , any person who can not pay a reasonable sum for these services .
21 For these services the king allowed Amenhotep to place statues of himself near to those of his sovereign at the Karnak temple , which was a great honour .
22 The taxpayer : The financial targets set for each agency are designed to be demanding , ‘ so that the taxpayer can be certain that the money that is provided for these services is used in the most efficient way ’ .
23 But workers for these services can not just be recruited from the general population , because they should be trained to do the specialized work with which they are faced .
24 For the next few months Mr and I are going to home in on a theme for these services .
25 What price will the Department be prepared to pay for these services ?
26 For these services he is rewarded with money .
27 Responsibility for these services lies in the Assessment Services Department ; essential support services supplied by the Administration and Finance Department such as office services and computing have also been included within the scope of the quality system .
28 The contract for these services was let in July 1991 .
29 In preparing the timetables for these services we sought to meet the objectives of providing a series of connections between buses from central Livingston and trains to and from Edinburgh .
30 To provide for these services to be provided efficiently and to avoid the Assistant Director being involved in detailed matters in these areas to the detriment of his managerial responsibility it is recommended that an Office Manager be appointed who would co-ordinate all these activities .
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