Example sentences of "not [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 These arguments apply just as much where there is a non-cumulative several liability , not annexed to a joint liability , as they do where it is so annexed .
2 There may be a limited exemption for non-profit-making bodies and foundations , provided that the data is used only ‘ as part of their legitimate aims ’ and ‘ on condition that they relate only those members and corresponding members who have consented to being included therein and that they are not communicated to third parties ’ .
3 A fact , by the way , she had not communicated to the police .
4 The top-security ‘ dispersal prisons ’ are frequently not filled to capacity , while overcrowding is concentrated in local prisons ( which predominantly house remand prisoners and those on short-term sentences ) .
5 ‘ I made one speech on the subject and I 've not referred to it since , and there seems no purpose in doing so . ’
6 In a second study , Kennedy ( 1972 ) found that repetition after 1 year was less common in patients admitted to the Edinburgh Regional Poisoning Treatment Centre ( 12 per cent ) than in those who made attempts and were not referred to the Centre , irrespective of whether the latter were referred to psychiatrists elsewhere ( 38 per cent repeated ) or not ( 37 per cent repeated ) .
7 In other words , Bukharin was cautiously calling for curbs on Stalin 's power , even if he was not referred to by name .
8 On occasions I looked at the casualty cards myself and identified potential clients that for one reason or another were not referred to me .
9 Repeatedly the theme of making the work place like a family was touched upon , and while higher management were not referred to as ‘ parents ’ it was clear that in feeling they were so regarded .
10 However , the contested takeover of Imperial by Hanson was not referred to the MMC as it did not adversely affect competition or the ‘ public interest ’ .
11 A revised merger proposal between UB and Imperial , which involved disposing of Imperial 's Golden Wonder subsidiary , thus reducing market share in the snack foods market , was not referred to MMC and hence both bids were allowed to proceed .
12 Why then is she not referred to as ‘ his next door neighbour ’ , instead of ‘ his next door neighbour 's wife ’ ?
13 It was just not referred to
14 As specified proceedings under section 41 of the Act the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem — a player not referred to at all in the article .
15 Section 2(3) was not referred to in the judgment in J. Barber & Sons v.
16 Individuals are not referred to in Articles 34–37 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties , or the Vienna Convention on International Organisations .
17 Held , dismissing the appeal , the judge had not referred to any specific provision of the Code .
18 It is said , however , that if regard is had to the statutes of the university , referred to in the notice inviting applications , on the basis of which the contract was clearly made even if the statutes were not referred to in the letter , the university had no such right .
19 The following year Ine abdicated to go to Rome ASC A , s.a. 728 ) , an event strangely not referred to by Bede .
20 They were rather pleased with themselves for saying this , because it was something the Gruagach would find quite flattering and , also , it had not referred to the Wolfkings , which would have been extremely discourteous , not to say disastrous .
21 The clearest reflection of the way in which the full implications of Marsh 's book were not appreciated in physical geography is shown in the fact that he is not referred to in relation to the history of the study of landforms before Davis ( Chorley , Dunn and Beckinsale , 1964 ) , or in Explanation in Geography ( Harvey , 1969 ) , in Geography Its History and Concepts ( Holt-Jensen , 1981 ) or in Geography and Geographers : Anglo-American Human Geography ( Johnston , 1979 , 1983a ) .
22 ‘ For the purposes of all legal proceedings any question as to the meaning or effect of any of the Treaties , or as to the validity , meaning or effect of any Community instrument , shall be treated as a question of law ( and , if not referred to the European Court , be for determination as such in accordance with the principles laid down by and any relevant decision of the European Court ) . ’
23 Section 3(1) of the European Communities Act 1972 expressly provides that the meaning or effect of any of the Treaties ‘ shall be treated as a question of law ( and , if not referred to the European Court , be for determination as such in accordance with the principles laid down by and any relevant decision of the European Court ) ’ . ’
24 It is to be noted that need is not referred to albeit that , in practice , many applications for interim payment are made with the specific intent of securing a sum designed to meet a specific need or requirement of the pursuer .
25 ‘ It was simply dropped as a hot potato and not referred to .
26 What he 's asking for is that any references to that particular disastrous day is not referred to as Black Wednesday , but in fact as Devaluation Day .
27 If this population is representative of the situation nationally , substantial numbers of patients with end stage liver disease might benefit from liver transplantation , but are not referred to a centre .
28 An allegation that drugs are being supplied as a " liquid cash " to modify behaviour at a particular prison may point a sufficient finger at the medical officers working at that prison , even though they are not referred to by name .
29 ( a ) Contents of the Register Established under the Land Charges Act 1925 , this is of importance to every buyer , lessee and mortgagee of any property in England and Wales , because the matters registered are not referred to in either the Registers of registered land nor in the Central Land Charges Register .
30 Vital information was not referred to ministers , which meant the puzzle of warnings was never put together .
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