Example sentences of "he could [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Twoflower hung on as best he could as Ninereeds swooped through a succession of caverns and soared around a spiral staircase that could easily have accommodated a retreating army .
2 In 1920 , for example , the notoriously rotund producer G. B. Samuelson made a trip to Universal Studios , where he produced six pictures to learn what he could about the American way of doing things .
3 He was an exception among the British dancers in wanting to find our as much as he could about American ballet teachers .
4 As we rode through the forest , Sapt told me everything that he could about my life , my family , my friends , and the things I liked or did not like .
5 He also felt as secure as he could about Jacqui .
6 Two days ago , after his daughter had told him her story , he had immediately contacted an enquiry agent whom he knew to be trustworthy and told him to find out all that he could about Dr Neil Cochrane , Sir Alastair Cochrane 's younger brother .
7 But there was nothing he could about it .
8 He told Nikos and Georgiades as much as he could about the current political log-jam , leaving out the Patros bit .
9 they asked him to remember all the things he could about the trip from earth .
10 He escaped as soon as he could to the company of her brothers .
11 He would have to wait , and until then he would keep as close as he could to the Russian .
12 She felt all right now and when Tucker came as close as he could to her , confidentially crooking his finger , she was only too pleased to lean precariously forward over the dock , ear to his lips .
13 A protesting Maltote was roused and ordered to ride as fast as he could to the royal camp outside Bedford .
14 Among the gentry residing there was to be found Mr Benedict Beckenham , riding as hard as he could to the devil .
15 Finally , Lear resigned himself to Gould 's impenetrable isolation , and , in a letter written in 1863 , came as close as he could to an objective description of his former employer and erstwhile friend : ‘ A more singularly offensive mannered man than G. hardly can be : but the queer fellow means well , tho 's more of an Egotist than can be described . ’
16 Les Robinson came as close as he could to making up for his own goal , but it was n't Oxford 's day .
17 To-night he must make the shortest time of it he could to Strata Marcella , reassure himself that his father 's grave had not been desecrated , and warn the prior of Isambard 's malignant interest in it .
18 Those who talked to Harold Macmillan at this time were sure that this cold politicking did not enter his head ; that he was sincere and only wanted to do the best that he could for the Church .
19 His energy revived , Richard was now intent on keeping Victoria 's company as much to himself as he could for the rest of the day .
20 He had groomed himself as best as he could for the interview .
21 He failed to do all he could for the Jews and socialised with the Nazis too easily for the Poles ' liking .
22 Using highly mobile soldiers to avoid battle , Bruce used the physical geography of Scotland to make conditions as difficult as he could for the English who , risking starvation and ambush , had to be very careful not to overstretch themselves and to keep open their lines of communication as best they could through the control of castles , in particular the vital one at Stirling , which dominated the lowest point at which the river Forth could be crossed by bridge .
23 He thought he had got all he could for the time being .
24 We hammered on the door for the gaoler and returned to the main gates of the prison where Benjamin left a coin and instructed the sadistic bastard to do what he could for poor Taplow .
25 ‘ Reverend Father did all he could for Brother Hopkins .
26 He made as swiftly as he could for the foyer .
27 It appears that William on his deathbed confessed that he had indulged in a fraud in getting his marriage to Adelizia nullified and at the eleventh hour did all that he could for Mabel 's succession as his heir .
28 He says in the autobiography erm my view was that every president was a and this was a famous phrase every president was a steward of the people , a steward of the people , bound actively and affirmatively to do all he could for the people and not to content himself with the negative merit of keeping his talents undamaged in a napkin curious turn of phrase I decline he says to adopt the view that what is imperatively necessary for the nation can not be done unless the president can find some specific authorization to do it in the constitution .
29 If Anthony was somebody else 's he could at least have the decency to shut up about it like his mother had .
30 He washed himself as best he could at the sink in the bathroom .
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