Example sentences of "i say not " in BNC.

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1 Suppose , well , I say not thinking one evening , I nearly missed the bus this morning , I had to run like billy-o , sure as fate Aunt Annie would say , think yourself lucky you can run .
2 ‘ Because I say not . ’
3 As I take a step forward I say not to worry , I am not police .
4 People often say to me do n't you get sick of eating ice cream working here … and I say not at all with the wonderful products we make
5 That er that line I think went to just er a bit further up and erm er I say not an any matter of er another couple of hundred yards I think before there was only a single track .
6 I certainly Mr Chairman welcome this paper erm and I know today that I think possibly the main reason being erm , I could be deemed also been through and through today responding to our local issue and that maybe due to May fever , I do n't know , erm , in really accepting acknowledging as I have done in the past your efforts , erm the county surveyor 's efforts for this part of Suffolk I do again bring to your attention and I do n't think is being critical in that the Barnet by bypass is part of a far bigger jigsaw and that jigsaw I say not
7 I mean I says , look I says , I 'm not , I 'm not saying you ca n't have your parties or whatever , I says but I says not in the bedrooms .
8 I said not a word that was untrue , ’ Morton replied .
9 Anyway , to calm her I said not to take it so hard , we could always try again .
10 I said I would be delighted to join them if I could wake up in time ( which I doubted ) , I said not to wait for me , and they promised they would n't .
11 Trust me I said not truss me , trust me .
12 If I said not take for granted in here advantage .
13 ‘ A director asked me if I was a gardener and when I said not , he said it was ostentatious .
14 And he turned to me I said not likely !
15 Well when Ken said about the headboard last week they were selling sheets on mini market I said pink ones and grey ones but I said not while they had the Christmas stuff in , it was before the Christmas stuff they must have taken them out you know I
16 away and then all of a sudden he gets his , calculator out and it 's I said excuse me Eric I said not wishing to be appear thick , I said but , what you doing ?
17 I said not to spend any money , I said just get a little box of chocolates , that was all , finish .
18 the end of the last straw you see , so I went in the Co-Op and I felt really , really fed up , I said I oh I said I could cry I said because I 've tried so hard I said not for lending you money I said , I 'm not meant to have any sodding luck so got a couple of bits and I really could n't get me act together and on the Tuesday dad 's gone in hospital with that fit , so I was thinking of him a lot and I thought I do n't know dad , you know I 'm sure , I 'm sure that he were n't gon na come out when he went in there , I thought they were gon na bloody find something with you boy and that would be it , so I come home here and I ai n't done no work , so I started off for work , both sitting here bloody bawling cos this house looked like shit , spoke to me sister on the phone and er I felt a bit better so I thought oh I 'd start doing the tree , so I pulled it all to bits in here , got the polish and duster out , put all the bread and everything for Alan 's sandwiches , it 'd be about oh , about half past twelve and the bloody phone went it was mum , she said Lyn do you think you can come up to the hospital with me , cos I 've got no transport and so I said what 's up then mum ?
19 I went mad , he said well accidents happen , I said not with my fucking dad they do n't not to my dad I said I 'll tell you what Mr if I 'd have known then what I know now I would n't even let you operate , I would n't Joy I would have said leave him alone , I wished he 'd have died when the
20 I said not oh alright she says , a little bit !
21 no I four I said not four and a month I 'm four
22 I said not !
23 last night , yesterday he had one and he said can I have another cream egg , so I said alright , cos there was a box of six , which means he 's had two out the six , he said to me this morning , got any more cream eggs so I said not for you , you 've got one for Martin , so I said yes , I 'll have his then
24 I said not that I 'm only saying like , I 'm only saying , passing on what he said I , not that you fucking crease me !
25 well Des , she heard Des look talking about it and er she said has she heard anything and I said no , I said not fully but more or less we stayed in yesterday cos you said shall we go out did n't you ?
26 I said Not half as pleased as we are to see you . .
27 I said Not with one man we ca n't , no .
28 I understand is he took some of his out out of their storage , should n't be shifted I said not worth really .
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