Example sentences of "in [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 This makes the transitions less well defined and subject to jitter in rather the same way as a multivibrator will jitter if the initial approach to transistor turn-on is not rapid .
2 In other words , the new company would start life structured in rather the same way as BP , with a Government shareholding but without the Government taking any part in the business .
3 In rather the same way as in some Basic Needs Strategies , a checklist of desirable attributes of a good strategy can be compiled ( Blaikie , Cameron & Seddon 1979 ) .
4 They seem to act on the host 's nervous system in rather the same way as an addictive drug .
5 Your personality sets boundaries on what you can and can not do in rather the same way that your physical build also sets constraints .
6 Different kinds of opacity within a program were discussed earlier and these would seem to have quite different correlates in the sphere of consciousness : the lower level of language is almost totally inaccessible from the higher level ( unless special structural features are added to the language to make it accessible ) , in rather the way that the machine code of our brain , if there is one , is utterly inaccessible to me , thinking in English .
7 Last year 's debate was marked by a speech by the right hon. and learned Member for Surrey , East ( Sir G. Howe ) , who was in the Chamber a moment ago , rather like Banquo 's ghost , but has disappeared , in rather the same way .
8 In rather the same way the practice of giving hostages for the due execution of a treaty , quite common in the distrustful atmosphere of the sixteenth century , was last seen in operation in 1748 , when two British peers were sent to Paris as guarantees of the restitution by Britain of the conquests she had made in north America at the expense of France .
9 All substances contain various amounts of energy within their chemical structures in rather the same way that the ball in Figure 6.4 possesses a potential energy proportional to its height above some datum .
10 Tables 3 and 4 clearly identify the ICAEW as the principal regulator in arguably the most important audit market — certainly in terms of the public interest .
11 These may affect large sections of the population in predominantly the same way .
12 A piece of oral history may be meant to do without a presiding historian in much the same way in which an analytic session may be meant to do without a presiding analyst ; theoretical presuppositions are subject in each case to a show of suspension , though it is clear that the theories of Freud and others will be present in the consulting-room , and that oral historians may be sympathetic to socialism and to the methods of Marxist historiography .
13 This is a major meditative speech brooding on the loneliness of the man caught between action and passivity — thinking aloud in much the same way as Hamlet does in his many renowned arias on the soul and the theme of revenge .
14 Parysatis , wife of Darius , killed Statira , wife of Artaxerxes , in much the same way as Mrs Iverson was murdered . ’
15 Pears are treated in much the same way , but are never wrapped .
16 Most other story ballets can be analysed in much the same way .
17 Elsewhere in the interview Derrida invokes his key word ‘ play ’ in much the same sense in which Arnold employed it in the ‘ free play of mind ’ .
18 Chartered secretaries have had to develop during the 1980s in much the same way as their nearest counterparts , lawyers and accountants .
19 In much the same way his reference to the rundown , dirty and potentially dangerous state of public transport would strike a chord with commuters who use our shoddy and dilapidated railways or who drive on potholed roads .
20 For example , conditions necessary for seeds to germinate were often studied in much the same way by successive age groups .
21 The Asiatic system consists of separate units ; local communities which hold land communally in much the same way as tribal communities or the constituent units of the classical and feudal systems were believed by Marx to do .
22 When in 1967 E. R. Leach made exactly the same point on the BBC , there was a national uproar with bishops and pundits of all kinds fulminating in the newspapers against the impiety of the idea , in much the same way that they had done against Engels almost a hundred years before .
23 Concepts like labour organized life in much the same way as the notion of God had done in the Middle Ages , and it had as little material reference .
24 Paintings and prints were distributed to colonial officials for display in much the same way as British embassies are provided with an official photographic portrait of the Queen .
25 In much the same way , nearly all creature comforts must be sacrificed for performance — a condition which is worth it most of the time , but very occasionally not .
26 ’ Sheila said this in much the tone of incredulity as she might have said , ‘ If I ever die . ’
27 Thus , in much the same way as the Bundesbank chairman , Dr Karl Otto Poehl , has been at pains to preserve the monetary integrity of the new Europe , so the Cartel Office is disturbed about abrogating to Brussels responsibility for all mergers involving a turnover of less than $5billion .
28 Two hours later players rubbed bruises , swapped jokes and drank pints in the clubhouse in much the same way as anywhere else .
29 The two schools became closely associated with the Whig and Tory Parties , in much the same way that the Labour and Conservative Parties champion non-nuclear and nuclear policies today .
30 Kabanos are much thinner than chorizos but are used in much the same way , although the older , drier varieties are popular as chewing sausages .
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