Example sentences of "of [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 You know , that 's another project that went sort of slowly the way .
2 Is it based on the contents of of rather the erm
3 With all this , and the union vice-president talking in terms unheard of since the heyday of the Industrial Workers of the World , you begin to understand why it is imperative for capitalism that Pittston succeeds in its attempt to break the UMWA .
4 honourable member what he 's really saying as I understand it Madam Speaker is there 's too much bureaucracy and the bureaucracy is going to prevent anybody acting because they 're all overlapping , they 're all paid out of presumably the public purse as well , there 's a there 's a enormous number of public off officials that is preventing er a a clear direct , exes executive arm .
5 The Rolls Royce Silverlady — the emblem of arguably the world 's most famous and finest car .
6 And McGurk , the smallest man on the field at 5′ 7″ , scored the winning point with just three minutes left of arguably the best championship game of the year .
7 South Armagh , once known as bandit country , is notorious for the operations of arguably the most effective and committed members of the Provisional Irish Republican Army .
8 The Soviet Government , without giving reasons , was demanding as of right the repatriation of all its citizens displaced by the war , without exception and irrespective of their wishes .
9 Even if it did n't lead to the elimination of all the older , ‘ flawed ’ models , a narrow range of ‘ new ’ species might well reduce the older ones to huddled groups in farming heritage parks .
10 P. Ransome-Wallis remarked that one platform would have sufficed for the traffic , and indeed it was not long before Trinidad 's railways , together with those of all the smaller West Indian islands , were shut down .
11 We can see that their present distribution upon the globe is the result of all the more recent changes the earth 's surface has undergone ; and by a careful study of the phenomena we are sometimes able to deduce approximately what those past changes must have been , in order to produce the distribution we find to exist .
12 The combined effect of these provisions is to give a power of summary arrest in the case of all the more serious offences and many of the most commonly committed offences , e.g. murder , manslaughter , the major offences against the person , offences under the Criminal Damage Act and almost all the Theft Act offences .
13 This activation of a hypothesis through connections to any part of it is enough in itself to recover the missing information , but TRACE II also has feedback from the higher level which can increase the activity of all the lower level descriptions which support it .
14 That women writers all suffered the same disadvantages , entertained approximately the same ambitions , and approached their writing out of basically the same experiences is manifestly untrue .
15 To a large extent this is due to a natural tendency , already mentioned earlier , to simplify the whole issue by treating experiences as logically on a par with other phenomena , and hence as being tractable with the help of basically the same conceptual machinery .
16 For non-Nazi , ‘ national-conservative ’ power-élites in the economy and in the army , Hitler 's ‘ charisma ’ had in itself never been a decisive factor , even though by the early 1930s it seems clear that substantial sectors of especially the ‘ intellectual élite ’ had succumbed in varying degrees to the Führer cult .
17 Benefits of RDS as a source of traffic information have penetrated the consciousness of only the relative few making top-of-the-range car-radio purchases .
18 This was her very first taste of only the best being good enough — and she liked it !
19 A list of only the more common villains and what they get up to reads like a catalogue of horrors enough to intimidate anyone and put them off rose-growing for all time .
20 Furthermore , small-degree partial melting in the presence of only the main upper-mantle mineral phases ( assuming plagioclase is not involved ) should not produce a positive correlation between U/Pb and Ce/Pb ( Fig. 3 c ) on the basis of published mineral-melt distribution coefficients .
21 Dr Mumby was found guilty of only the first and last charges , for which he was admonished .
22 What marks the ‘ explanation ’ range is the assertion of only the weak determinism involved in claiming that similar effects always occur in similar conditions .
23 Where patients presented with multiple ulcers , however , details of only the four most significant were requested , so information on only 470 ulcers was obtained .
24 Thus we have the conventional one-address instruction format ( introduced in Chapter 1 ) where one of the operands and the result are held in the accumulator , and the store address of only the second operand has to be specified in the instruction .
25 A combination of a biographical dictionary of activists begun in the 1920s ( which was cut short by Stalin after completion of only the volumes covering the 1860s , 70s and a small proportion of the activists of 1880–1904 ) and the meticulous records of the Police and Justice Departments on political arrests have made possible rough estimates of the number who actually fell foul of the authorities .
26 In cases like these local landowners allowed the construction of only the minimum number of houses needed to accommodate their permanently employed labour force , often in ‘ estate villages ’ .
27 Should we take account of only the material standards of village life or should we include such an apparently ephemeral notion as what is colloquially referred to as ‘ community spirit ’ , the sense of identity and belonging , which the inhabitants feel ?
28 ‘ And come to think of it , this is n't so dissimilar to the kind of influence your genetic father might wish to have on you , were it not for the fact that he is such a contemptible Essene , a cloistral nonentity capable of only the meanest interaction with his fellow men .
29 These figures , emanating from the Council of Mortgage Lenders , are challenged by Janet Ford who claims that they underestimate the number of people in arrears because they rely upon cross-sectional data , drawn from the experience of only the largest mortgage lenders .
30 The grading curriculum consists of only the basic techniques that have been learned so far .
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