Example sentences of "be if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah but if they 're if they 're , if they 're at work during that period of time
2 Well it 's an awkward time to ask people to go and fetch them when they 're if they 're preparing dinner is n't it ?
3 You see I ca n't remember if they 're if they 're pulling my plonker or not , but that is the sort of thing I do , but I ca n't remember anything about it .
4 The same thing , if somebody 's annoying you like that , ignore them like I said , I do n't mean I wo n't just let them sit there I 'll touch my brakes a couple of times perhaps do the old bit with the mirror and like I said , normally if they 're if they 're responsible drivers that have just happened , they got a bit close then maybe they 'll drop back as I 've done
5 So if we 're we 're if we get if we get past that erm er that that point of am I going to take a flier .
6 Now if you 're if somebody becomes a persistent discounter first of all they 'll they 'll question it back at head office .
7 You know I erm Hugh was talking about erm somebody being thrown out of hospital after gall bladder operation after only two days well fortunately these days there are one or two strives in er in in health care erm to erm which is very much easier to er , operate on people if you 're if you if you 're going to put them out cos the operation 's more er simpler it 's far less stress on patients and and , and they they 're becoming a lot quicker er , clearly if faded out er , the way is completed then er obviously things are serrated with with the chief executive of the health authority and I 'd like to give you this October when when the Chief Executive was .
8 Prejudices , we 're all born with them , they 're if you like perceptions which are only changed very often through experience .
9 I think part of the thing about stress is n't so much whether it 's a chemical effect , but it 's a having a cigarette is a way of creating a wee break if you 're if you 're busy and as a , that can be really difficult for women to do , actually demand a bit of time for themselves .
10 You 're right , I mean you would obviously be in that position if you were going to turn left , but if you 're If you 're going to go down there by all means , but it 's safer if y Say you 're you 're n car number two behind car number one in position two and he 's inc signalling left .
11 Okay do n't worry about the ones you did , if you 're if you 're happy with them
12 If you 're if you 're say a family with small children yes you can get all sorts of con concessions .
13 and you 're if you think , Ooh I 'm I 'm not quite sure what he means by that .
14 But er I mean we We 've spoken about it before , on the platform , and things like that , that I mean everybody knows the score that if something happens if you 're if you 're sleeping you 've not got a an excellent chance , put it like that , I mean you er I mean nobody ever expected anything like what happened on piper to happen any on that scale .
15 Yeah if if you 're if you 're happy to get into that .
16 If you 're if you 're available erm then coincidentally you would go into that , er but no .
17 Erm I mean if you 're if you feel that I do n't I do n't think you 'd have any problem doing this it 's your it 's your it 's the
18 So if you 're if you find you have some very violent and aggressive people working for you , put them in a pink room to have their sandwiches , so .
19 You see if you 're if you do have a display caravan you can probably do some some grass displays of of large bearings or something in the front of it
20 If you 're , if you 're if you 're cold and hungry you 're not learning are you ?
21 But you see I , I do n't know I can see what you mean , but I do n't know whether a move would be the answer cos I think you 're if you 're gon na stay in teaching this is what 's gon na happen .
22 If you 're if you had n't earned the money well you did n't go into it in detail and get the time and motion study man
23 When you 're if you 're both on a shoot and that 's a holiday in itself , so presumably that 's
24 So gi given the unless somebody 's out unless you 're if he 'd actually tells me to do it I will say I was sort of oh alright and do it .
25 So if you 're if it 's a strange area to you it 's up to you to organize yourself .
26 The argument is that it was easier for them to maintain the part of their image of statelessness which consisted of ‘ how we have always done things ’ , than it would have been if they had individually moved into town and settled into a bidonville .
27 Then , quickly she opened the door and went out and left them standing in a half circle , silent , no laughter on their faces now , just memories of what might have been if they had had a child like the little girl who used to run into them , and a daughter as she was now .
28 By restricting the right to vote to fully accepted church members , political power in Massachusetts was placed in the hands of the godly men who had led the expedition ; those who had joined the expedition merely in the hope of a better standard of living found their efforts justified by success because , despite some difficult times in the 1630s , the labouring population in the colony by the 1640s was fairly certainly more prosperous than they would have been if they had stayed in England , and about 20,000 people had settled in New England at a total cost of about £200,000 .
29 There was no evidence as to what the Perots ' attitude would have been if they had been asked for more than $2.5m. for Caliban .
30 Whatever people might think about DHSS money , what it has meant in practice is that the global sum of money to help provide for the needs of people with dementia or other long-term needs is much greater than it would have been if they were not attracting DHSS supplementation .
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