Example sentences of "and she [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Her mother 's moodswings began to terrify her , and she would slow to a careful frozen walk as she turned into their street .
2 Just in case there was any doubt about it , she decided the woman needed flowers every day , and she would be the one to send them .
3 His mother looked nervously at them as they came in long after dark — she was obdurately against the recalling of ‘ the bad old times ’ and she would neither ask them what they had seen nor let them tell her .
4 And she would stay off it for days on end .
5 Oh , and she would take the folding bike .
6 Eleanor used to say that she inherited her father 's nose and she would one day sue him for damages .
7 The first row the husband stabbed the wife and she would n't make a complaint about it .
8 ‘ I had this thing in my mind that she had to be in a place where I could get to her and she would be well looked after . ’
9 But Tom and she would go skiing at the end of the month .
10 It would not be damp and she would not be so weary .
11 The moment she spoke to Rachel the die would be cast , and she would have to go along the road of sensible health planning and operations and anxieties and reality .
12 Something would attract her — a cloud , a flower , a fat lady on the street- and she would drift away from the track unthinkingly .
13 If she took her problem to Rachel , Rachel would listen and she would be on Maggie 's side .
14 She would offer her breast as a blood sacrifice for life and in that moment of despair she had no doubt at all but that death would accept it and she would have to live .
15 She would just have to cling to her professional integrity as she had done for fifty years , and she would , as she had always tried to , make that sufficient .
16 Mrs Rosenbloom nearly always found out about it and she would be mad that he had taken me from my work with the children .
17 If the thing persisted , her only remaining lung would collapse under a bag of pus and she would die , because she could no longer breathe .
18 Before , he would splatter , and she would take the same pigment , the same colours , and assemble .
19 He would thrash ; and she would make the same wound and stitch it .
20 He would paint flames ; and she would paint fire in a brazier .
21 He would throw paint imitating a comet ; and she would paint a part of the milky way .
22 Her disability never stopped her attending meetings , briefings and conferences , often aided by her twin sons , Paul and Mark , and she would ask uncommonly fierce questions from her wheelchair .
23 I would often hear from my assistant who now looks after Cher , but at that time was delegated to looking after me , and she would say that she 'd just come back from the MainMan offices and the main office door was closed into DeFries 's inner sanctum and there were raised voices between him and David in there .
24 She was the departmental secretary , and she would bring papers for him to sign and take other papers back with her .
25 In cricket they used to put her at ‘ long leg ’ where the ball hardly ever penetrated , and she would take a book and lie down to read in the long grass .
26 The people she would have to deal with in the London offices , paved with razor wire , rose up before her grotesquely and she would pull the sheets over her head and moan : ‘ I do n't want to get up — ever again ! ’
27 The calf was sold long ago , and she would not even recognize it now if it ambled into the yard .
28 All that crying and fear would be saved and she would long ago have wandered off , swishing her tail , to find a better patch of grass .
29 And she would have gone .
30 I can not keep her any longer for what she can afford to pay , and she would like you to find her accommodation near where you live .
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