Example sentences of "and as it " in BNC.

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1 And as it takes half an hour to drive to Royal Wrigglesworth we must assume that Sir Vivien 's Lagonda would have driven through the village at about eight . ’
2 It fell ill , unknown to the family , and as it was mid-winter it crawled under a neighbour 's balcony to escape from the cold , where it expired .
3 One night he put a Belgian chocolate inside her and as it melted he licked away the cream .
4 And it shows , in Beerbohm and Bowra and as it survives today , how inevitable it was that Pound should have abandoned England and the English just when he did .
5 Given Tate 's deepseated and as it were forefated Virgilianism , it hardly could .
6 the argument was continuous and as it developed both sides changed their positions .
7 And as it continues to do so , the link between the US and the European Community should become stronger , the issues we discuss more diversified and our common endeavours more important .
8 Another amusing incident to come out of ‘ Space Oddity ’ was when I got a phone call from David one day , who said he had to record an Italian version of the song because two kids in Italy had apparently done a cover version of it and as it looked as if it was going to do quite well , the Italian record company wanted a version by the original artist and said they would send someone along to teach Bowie phonetically how to sing the song .
9 And as it becomes easier and cheaper to span the globe , knowledge of local wrinkles is becoming more important , not less .
10 It seemed rather an historic moment , but I put the thought aside ; one must not get sentimental , and everything had been done properly , had been left in order and as it should be .
11 The story of the golden calf is not quite a complaint story , though it is more terrible than any of them , and as it proceeds shares many of their features , particularly those of the one in Numbers 14 .
12 The foal becomes a social animal and part of the herd , and as it matures it is likely to take a similar place in the social hierarchy of the herd as its mother .
13 One day , one of the mares cut her leg , and as it required stitching she was separated from the other horses and shut in a stable without more ado .
14 At this period the production of gold coinage was closely associated with the presence of the imperial court , and as it moved around the empire so did some of the dies for making gold coins .
15 If he had had his way , he would have stayed in Wilson 's house all day long and as it was managed to be there a good half of it .
16 I remembered what you 'd said about settling down , and as it happened I met a very nice young man from Berlin , a train driver .
17 God particularly favoured the Scots ; and as it was a Protestant God who did so , the position of a Catholic queen was inevitably made more difficult .
18 In The Rape of Lucrece Tarquin , unable to restrain his lust , and as it were possessed by the spirit of the boar , violates the chaste Lucrece , a devotee of the goddess in her virgin mode as Diana .
19 ‘ That these enormities have become even conceivable in our country is due , in the first place , we need hardly say , to the odious and as it may prove , fatal institution of universal suffrage .
20 All is as it seems , and as it should be .
21 This is an area where a diesel car scores very well and as it uses less fuel than a petrol car , it emits less noxious gas .
22 Because of the difficulty in fixing a date , and as it was the Christmas season , it had been almost impossible to arrange a decent reception .
23 Quite a contrast in these view of Central from Infirmary Road ; firstly from MS & L days with Mrs. Paulson 's carriage awaiting custom , and as it was after closure with an assortment of 1960 's cars on view .
24 Air , too , is powerful stuff en masse , and as it moves , so it in turn agitates the water beneath : storms are initiated by winds ( although the winds themselves may derive their energy from the heat of the sea ) .
25 And as it is buffeted by ultraviolet radiation , so it absorbs it ; and thus prevents the most harmful , high energy , high-frequency radiation known as UVB , from reaching the Earth .
26 The same chapter in Chronic Diseases highlights this thus ‘ In taking one and the same medicine repeatedly ( which is indispensable to secure the cure of a serious chronic disease ) , if the dose is in every case varied and modified only a little in its degree of dynamization , then the vital force of the patient will calmly , and as it were willingly receive the same medicine even at brief intervals very many times in succession with the best results , every time increasing the well-being of the patient . ’
27 Bob Rafelson had been toiling with Nicholson 's friend and associate Carol Eastman on a script for a new film and as it came towards completion , they began to see it as a perfect vehicle for BBS to capitalize on its success with Easy Rider .
28 And as it grows inside me so it gathers to itself all the reasons why such a bitter thing should not , can not be .
29 A somewhat different case is García Márquez 's One Hundred Years of Solitude which recounts the history of the small town of Macondo , not so much as it actually happened , but as its inhabitants experienced and interpreted it and as it was transmitted by popular oral tradition .
30 It was difficult to x-ray his leg so far up , and as it was a small machine and needed a relatively long exposure it was hard to get a clear picture with him shaking as the poor boy was doing by this time .
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