Example sentences of "and give they " in BNC.

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1 I have dusted down others and given them sacrilegious new twists , incorporating nuts into rolypoly , for example , and using kumquats instead of lemons for old-fashioned Sussex Pond Pudding .
2 ‘ We have now allocated five new frequencies to BR and given them access to two others . ’
3 To make Christmas a truly memorable occasion for you and your guests , I 've taken some of the traditional dishes and given them an exciting twist .
4 Moreover , we have to make sure that older people have increased opportunities for personal fulfilment after their retirement from employment which may have been both meaningful and given them their self-esteem .
5 Of the two passengers , both women , one had turned and given them a glare , the other pretended nothing was going on .
6 Because even if you you have sat down and spoken to somebody about the project for five minutes , and given them all the other information ,
7 Wonderful Members of Parliament , who , little more than twenty years before , had made themselves merry with the wild railroad theories of engineers , and given them the liveliest rubs in cross-examination , went down into the north with their watches in their hands , and sent on messages before by the electric telegraph , to say that they were coming Night and day the conquering engines rumbled at their distant work , or advancing smoothly to their journey 's end , and gliding like tame dragons into the allotted corners grooved out to the inch for their reception , stood bubbling and trembling there , making the walls quake , as if they were dilating with the secret knowledge of great powers yet unsuspected in them , and strong purposes not yet achieved .
8 ( 2 ) Allowing the appeal , that before making the prohibited steps orders the justices should have informed the parties of their intention and given them an opportunity to make submissions as to whether such orders were appropriate ; that the justices had had no jurisdiction to make an order prohibiting the parents from having contact with each other because such contact was not a step which could be taken by a parent in meeting his responsibility towards his child and thus was outside the terms of section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 ; that , on the evidence they accepted , the justices had been plainly wrong to refuse to make the interim care orders ; and that , accordingly , the court would substitute interim care orders relating to both children ( post , pp. 271B–D , H — 272A , F , H — 273A ) .
9 The team had chosen one stone each , the stone that most resembled them , and given them nicknames .
10 Er I 've done the slips and given them to Margaret to be .
11 ‘ We 've called up the PR firm we normally liaise with and given them the name of the hotel you 're booked into .
12 After his death Mona had found the keys on the floor in the secretary 's room and given them to Maureen .
13 She had achieved much , and given them all an injection of hope with her sparkling personality , keen interest in their concerns and positive reactions to even the most difficult situation .
14 Fifty years after the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove , JD Lang wrote of Australia 's Aborigines : ‘ ( we have ) despoiled them of their land , and given them in exchange European vice and European disease in every foul and fatal form … ’
15 For example , they have argued against almost every EC directive which would have improved women 's poor position in the work force , increased their opportunities and given them increased freedom to work .
16 How many employee employers , I E British Home Stores , have paid off their full-time staff and given them part-time only employment .
17 See people at San Carlos hungry and given them the rest .
18 We 've had times when we 've written to commercials and given them free tickets to dig ourselves out of a hole and things .
19 Herefordshire Friends of the Earth have looked into the Green Cone Scheme … and given them a guarded welcome :
20 The pair have taken classic rock songs like Stairway to Heaven and given them their own distinctive treatment .
21 By the time you 've bought them some cigarettes and given them some money for the pub and said well if there er and the car has n't got any petrol so you pay for ten pounds worth of petrol .
22 and given them a dish of trifle I think a lot would have just eaten the trifle , had a cup of tea and taken the rest home .
23 Finally he got so used to me calling that he asked me to come down and give them a hand fixing it up .
24 You 've got to give them a very specific task to do and give them the support and the materials to do it with and make sure it happens so that when they turn up at 3 o ’ clock , it 's set up to go .
25 In cases of mild illness , such as coughs and colds , often all you can do is let children rest and give them over-the-counter medication to relieve pain or fever and help them to sleep .
26 ‘ After we lost in Moscow , I ushered the team back into the locker room and locked the door before any administrators could get in and give them a load of bull about how well we had done to run the mighty red machine so close .
27 I 'll just pop in and give them a good scare .
28 It was still dark and cold , so , to raise their spirits , they sang a hymn to the sun-god , the great Daybog , calling on him to rise and give them warmth and light .
29 Tell you what , I 'll go and give them a hand !
30 Then you start at half past four I 'll go round and give them a bit of tea , all of them , you see , see if they 've eat , those that 's eat up horses eat up , give them a bit of tea and then the lads start on them and they dress them over till they sa well , well say , we give them till six o'clock wa to do two horses .
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