Example sentences of "and to the " in BNC.

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1 Salim 's flight to whatever is to become of him can be compared to the movement of these flowers , and to the Romeward journey in Virgil .
2 A piece of oral history may be meant to do without a presiding historian in much the same way in which an analytic session may be meant to do without a presiding analyst ; theoretical presuppositions are subject in each case to a show of suspension , though it is clear that the theories of Freud and others will be present in the consulting-room , and that oral historians may be sympathetic to socialism and to the methods of Marxist historiography .
3 Their work bears witness both to the power of partnership and to the powers of expression which we feel able to attribute to groups , to some circle of friends or literary ‘ school ’ — in this case , the group which was at one time drunkenly designated the scholarship boys , angry young men or hypergamists of the Fifties .
4 However , it is the further legitimation given to a particular socio-ethical form of political religion in the constitution and to the implied authority of religious intellectuals in deciding in concreto what must be taken by the state as in the interests of the common good which gives to conflict in Ireland between the two alliances its political religious dimension in the sphere of law .
5 Voters had to decide in conscience ‘ whether other factors outweigh the damage which divorce would certainly cause to individuals , to families , to children and to the whole of society ’ ( Irish Times , 13 June 1986 ) .
6 Nevertheless I feel that I have a responsibility to the public and to the world of art both to present your unpublished writings in as comprehensible a form as possible , and at the same time to correct some of the misleading impressions these might give , not of course about yourself , but about others , casually mentioned here and there in the course of your jottings .
7 The threat to choice and to the remaining independent brewers demands a strong and continuing Campaign that will fight for drinkers ' rights and challenge the might of the brewing giants .
8 The film and television industries are important ingredients of the city 's culture and the Festival reflects this life-style in its informal atmosphere , giving endless pleasure to the many cinema goers from the city and to the numerous professionals who visit the city for the Festival .
9 And to the future . ’
10 To do well , you need to become sensitive both to surges of lift and to the feeling of flying out of it into the sink .
11 It should come as no surprise , therefore , to find that most insider participant observation of policing is almost always confined to discussion on management techniques and to the implementation of new systems .
12 Improve mobility by swinging your foot to the front , to the sides and to the back .
13 Your leading guard hand curls under the opponent 's Achilles tendon and draws the trapped foot towards you and to the side .
14 Secondly , it is aimed high and to the side of the opponent 's chest , since this makes it more difficult to block .
15 Further that we shall petition government tor an abolition and nullifying of the foresaid Act from the records of British parliament ; that the members of parliament for this county shall present this petition , or any annexed thereto , to the two Houses of Parliament , and to the Privy Council , during the prorogation of parliament — ‘ Menzies was seething and he broke in on the last words .
16 Above all — like the duende itself — he works ‘ from the gut ’ and to the gut .
17 He bears witness to this , and to the whole man ( as ever ) , with particular distinction in this new book .
18 The book was offered with a sharp recollection of his own family , not only regarding his father 's absence of many years ( whose duty it was , formally , to say the prayer ) , but in the dedication of the book , another link with the past broken , another mainstay , albeit distant , removed : ‘ This book is dedicated to the memory of my grandmother Mrs Lyon Cohen , and to the memory of my grandfather Rabbi Solomon Klinitsky . ’
19 At one stage the Birmingham New Street interchange was an integral part of the West Coast electrified service and was based on an hourly sequence of arrivals/departures from the LMR electrified area and to the North East via Sheffield .
20 Leitmotifs are a firm point of reference that carries the dancer onwards from the beginning to the climax and to the end of the story .
21 Nevertheless the three dancers in Monotones are expressing their close relationship to each other and to the space in which they dance and above all to the flowing lines of the design and of the musical phrases .
22 He selected the simplest steps and poses of classical dance with its perfectly balanced form and at the same time gave it straighter , longer lines to draw attention to the more athletic qualities of Greek dance and to the clear , austere sounds of Satie 's modern music .
23 Each part of the body must be placed in a true relationship to the others and to the whole as the dance flows onwards .
24 In junction box wiring , the lighting cable goes from the consumer unit to a series of four-terminal junction boxes , each usually positioned roughly over the appropriate light switch ; cables lead from each junction box to a ceiling rose and to the switch .
25 The film gives peace of mind to the potentially vulnerable , such as the elderly , and to the parents of young children , and it is also a deterrent to the intending intruder .
26 It appeared in WW for July 28 and August 4 , 1926 and owed it considerable success and subsequent fame to the new technique of neutralising the RF stage triode and to the use of an RF coil design by Cocking .
27 There is a further factor that feminists have drawn attention to , which is that the majority of students of English are women , whereas the majority of academics teaching it are male , and that the female students have a built-in deference to male teachers and to the minority of male students .
28 Some features of that world are nowadays entirely inscrutable — notably , what it was in Frederic Lowndes 's self-effacing position on The Times which gave him and his wife access to a society of international aristocracy and even royalty , and to the inner circles of the cabinet , as well as the society of novelists and playwrights .
29 We are only just beginning to recognize that if we take this attitude , we are denying to arts and letters , and to the criticism of them , any bearing at all on public life — including , for instance , public education .
30 Two goals remain — a state visit to Britain ( little hope there , but a visit by some crowned head to East Germany remains a burning ambition ) , and to the President of the United States in the White House .
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