Example sentences of "and [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 He tried to calm and reassure her .
2 Dr Neil had not meant to consummate his love for McAllister , but having begun to heal and reassure her he had started something on its way which was beyond his control , or McAllister 's either .
3 Younger men must show their respect for her and obey her .
4 I half disapproved of these costumes , they made me feel uncomfortable , but at the same time I admired and envied her , she was so original and unconcerned .
5 She wondered if Ethel would relent and change her back , or whether she might be really wicked enough to leave her as a frog , for ever .
6 He took her chin between finger and thumb , turning her face and drowning her in the warm amber light of his eyes .
7 She whimpers as I twist a little harder and drag her to the cloakroom , to keep out of Merchant 's way .
8 They pull and drag her , tear her Hands and Cloak ,
9 Afraid that at any moment someone would shout ‘ Grab her ! ’ and drag her off to some unspecified yet ineluctable torment , she forced herself at least to look calm while she sat at the console on the dais .
10 He had it all worked out : the hand over her mouth , the knife under her eyes , and drag her into the dark shed .
11 ‘ So then I grab hold of Christine and drag her out .
12 If Kelly could see her now she 'd throw up her hands in horror and drag her off to the nearest restaurant to order the biggest meal on the menu .
13 ‘ Confound you , ca n't you even face me now ? ’ he growled , and , walking up to her , he bent to seize her arms and drag her to her feet .
14 She heard a muttered curse , she saw a shadow across the french window at the end of the room , she felt someone catch her round the waist and drag her to the ground .
15 Salt shook her shoulder and when that made no difference , dragged her to her feet and propelled her to the small book-lined room known as the study .
16 ‘ Come on , ’ he turned her neatly and propelled her back into the living room .
17 Putting down his glass and removing hers , he gripped her shoulders and propelled her to stand in front of the mirror .
18 As a solitary horseman went by , he stepped in front of her , partially shielding her from view , then grasped her arm and propelled her swiftly across the drawbridge and into the castle in total silence .
19 Yussuf caught hold of her and propelled her towards the gate .
20 Kelly smiled as she thought of his early attempts at cooking and the hours he 'd spent coaching and encouraging her while she 'd practised riding a finish on the back of the sofa .
21 In the evenings I still wait there for her , and track her as she walks to school , with my ears humming .
22 He hovered with a nervous half-smile as the waiter drew out Lucy 's chair and seated her .
23 It looked as if she had no life in her either , but she moaned as James carried her and laid her gently on the seat of his carriage .
24 I snatched up my doll , Topsey , and laid her in the cart and ran after Mum who was half way down the street before I caught her up .
25 Adam picked her up in his arms and laid her on her desk : reports slithered off it and the Cartier clock crashed to the floor .
26 I waved , but they lifted her.straight into the ambulance and laid her down .
27 If he 'd picked her up and laid her on the bed and taken her with all the passion and strength his virile body was promising her at that moment , she would n't have raised a finger to stop him , so when he swung her around in his arms and deposited her nearer to the bathroom door before removing his arms from her she was left gasping with surprise and a sinking feeling of disappointment mixed with humiliation which shook her with its intensity .
28 I carried her in her crumpled dress up the short flight of stairs , and laid her on her bed .
29 He carried her upstairs and laid her , kissing her , on the bed .
30 Michael picked her up in his arms and held her tightly to him , murmuring endearments into her hair and stroking her back until she was spent .
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