Example sentences of "be [that] for " in BNC.

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1 Well , we 're all looking at it at the moment of , of course , but some of our first impressions are that for example on global warming , there 's no commitment to , to a carbon taxation .
2 We mentioned earlier the paradoxes which were that for instance erm we 're looking for a low risk investment or our customers are looking for a low risk investment , they tell us they need well proven technology but that needs to be advanced technology .
3 The easy way to remember it is that for a ‘ lesser ’ number of degrees , you turn ‘ left ’ , e.g. turning from 350° to 320° is turning to a lesser number and therefore you turn left .
4 The thing about sex , thought Jay , apart from everything else , is that for a few , for many , for countless seconds and sometimes glorious minutes , you stop thinking .
5 ‘ Yes , and the reason we 've got no morals is that for a long time ( 150 years ) we 've been at a loose end . '
6 What is important to realize is that for Yeats certainly , and I think at times for Pound also , the only alternative open was a sorry second best .
7 The governments ' main complaint is that for the Commission 's plan to work , a special clearing house would have to be set up to reapportion VAT revenue levied in the country of export which would be owing to that of import - where the product would be consumed .
8 One danger is that for some people everything might happen too quickly at a Loving Relationships Training weekend .
9 What we 've been shown in the Report , and what has , ah , emerged from this discussion , is that for some fifteen years , we engaged in a game of blind man 's buff .
10 The point is that for Callinicos , Nietzschean thought is an instance of Romantic anti-capitalism : that form of refusal of the implications of capitalist modernity which has been present virtually since the birth of that condition , described by Michael Lowy as ‘ opposition to capitalism in the name of pre-capitalist values ’ ( cited p. 67 ) .
11 The South 's case is that for the sake of the ever-improving standards of life which the North 's electorates demand , it squanders resources , poisons the atmosphere and then , to stem the environmental degradation it has caused , demands that the impoverished South forgo equality with the North in the name of salvation !
12 If there is some consolation for bankers amidst all this destruction of value , it is that for some eagles practice makes better , if not perfect .
13 However , the shame is that for some health service insiders it has become a way of life .
14 ’ ( John 12.24 ) The importance of death is that for God it is the commencement of resurrection .
15 Our usual joke is that for a Hungarian novelist to get published and widely read , he has first to be sent to prison .
16 My own view is that for readers to be promised even a glimmer of understanding as to the origins of our world and the universe was tempting enough , but the further promise that it was to be told briefly was irresistible .
17 Contrary to the all too common belief that ageing is essentially an unavoidable process of retreat , of withdrawal into passivity and dependence , the truth is that for most men and women later life is a time of active challenge : a time when perhaps more than ever they need to be able to respond imaginatively to change .
18 ‘ What you 've got to watch is that for about two hours there are no lights in the train . ’
19 What is interesting is that for the first time individual patrols would have radio communication via jeep-mounted No. 11 radio sets , but in the event of breakdowns they would also each take two pigeons .
20 All that would have happened is that for some reason the Earth 's magnetic field would have reversed itself .
21 Looking ahead the likelihood is that for every percentage point of economic growth , energy demand will grow by half a percentage point .
22 The result is that for sending in the report to criticize the employee 's punished .
23 The importance of diet in this group of patients is that for some diet alone will suffice , while for the rest there must be a good dietary compliance if control is to be optimal at a steady weight whether using oral agents or insulin .
24 The problem is that for many centuries there were a number of variant systems in which the year of grace began at different times — 1 January , Christmas Day , the Annunciation , Easter Day , and 1 , 24 and 29 September .
25 Another powerful reason why improved mud buildings are not catching on in the tropical Third World is that for poor families , housing is not the first priority .
26 The essence of Luxemburg 's critique is that for accumulation to proceed there must be a third market , that is , petty commodity production , feudal economy , etc. , for the whole of the surplus-value to be realised .
27 The important point to note here is that for Bukharin this state of equilibrium contained deviations and fluctuations , thus what he was postulating is not a static equilibrium nor even a dynamic one — dynamic in the sense of an orderly balanced growth .
28 No firm decisions have been reached at JAA level on the method of cost recovery , but the principle is that for all JAA activities the ( CAA ) policy is to achieve full cost recovery .
29 So it is that for Douglas MacBain it is a clearly defined aim to consider setting targets for numbers of churches to be planted in the coming decade and to work to facilitate this .
30 The truth is that for the first month of the NME s TDFC offensive he was totally paranoid .
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