Example sentences of "the problem could " in BNC.

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1 The most vociferously opposed union maintains that all the problems could be solved were the government to remove the PTT from the financial tutelage of the finance ministry and give it an independent budget .
2 If matters improved but then worsened again as the injection wore off , it would perhaps indicate that the problems could be controlled with longer-term hormonal management , or even castration for Stan .
3 So yes the answer to the question is yes there is a budget there is a budget and we need to do things now one of the problems could be the budget is n't sufficient to cover all that needs doing so I think you 'll find that the building been built at a certain time there a comes a time you 've got plan a maintenance programme which we have things need to be done .
4 The problems could be caused by microscopic organisms called blue-green algae , found in open stretches of fresh water , where they float as ‘ blooms ’ or gather in brightly-coloured scums on the surface .
5 Like previous studies , Mr Murphy 's analysis uses conservative assumptions and legal aid experts say the problem could be much more serious .
6 The chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , who inherited supervisory responsibilities as part of the rescue plan , now admits the problem could costs tens of billions more than anticipated .
7 Such claims in fact go back as far as 1926 , but it was with Thom 's careful measurement of many stone circles and alignments in Britain and Brittany that a scientific analysis of the problem could be attempted .
8 The mathematician Aristarchus suggested that the problem could be simplified if all the planets , including Earth , were to orbit the Sun but , after much controversy , his argument was lost .
9 Strategies to get round the problem could include selective spraying with conventional insecticides , including two different insecticide genes in plants , or even planting ‘ sacrificial ’ pesticide-free crops to attract some of the susceptible insects away from the protected crop and keep them in the breeding population .
10 The problem could also be caused by a blockage in the circulating pipes , caused again by sludge .
11 Perhaps the problem could be solved by amending the Public Health Act 1936 on the lines of s.58(1) of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 in order to enable local authorities to act where a nuisance is likely to occur .
12 The problem could just be confined to this guitar and removing the strings and lightly tapping the frets down with a block of wood and a small hammer could well fix it .
13 ( I would point out at this stage that I would never begin to treat a patient with physical symptoms of this sort unless he or she had first consulted their doctor and was able to tell me that no physical cause for the problem could be found . )
14 The problem could be felt within months .
15 The problem could also be caused by a blockage in the circulating pipes , caused again by sludge .
16 If the child is also refusing food , the problem could have developed with the parent 's trying to distract the child during feeding .
17 For example , the hands or even the figures on the dial of a wall-mounted clock may be clearly visible to the child with tunnel vision , but the problem could be that of locating the clock itself .
18 But the problem could could disappear if every household were equipped with ISDN , since the 16Kbps packet-switched D-channel would be ideal for interrogating the meters remotely .
19 Had we been as free from the fetters of manpower planning as Field when we negotiated the new deal the problem could have been solved overnight .
20 The North consumes too much and the South suffers through debt , food shortages and lack of resources.This is of direct importance to the UN and a campaign to address the problem could be justified from the recommendations of the Willi Brandt report ‘ A Programme for Human Survival ’ .
21 Only when Brearley demonstrated that the problem could be solved by carefully controlled heat treatment did the stainless-steel knife become widely used .
22 She had n't realised that it might be here in Norfolk that the origin of the problem could lie .
23 If a low-level WC cistern refuses to flush , the problem could either be a broken link , a failed washer , or too low a water level .
24 If a WC is blocked , the problem could be a blocked soil pipe .
25 Carol said the centre and its staff could monitor if a particular department was producing repeated cases of a particular injury or illness , and make recommendations about how the problem could be solved .
26 The problem could not be ignored , for Britain was strengthening her hold on northern India , pushing into Afghanistan and despatching agents into the khanates from the south .
27 The view is likely to be controversial , as other research indicates that ozone loss could be worse than previously thought and that the problem could last for many generations .
28 In many cases the problem could be solved by seeking an interim payment , which can take much of the urgency out of getting quantum tried .
29 The problem could stretch right down into the centre of the steel wires .
30 Building firm G Rhodes and Son , who put it in place , said the problem could have resulted from the shed 's location below a bank which could have caused winds to form a vacuum behind it , pulling the roof off .
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