Example sentences of "[indef pn] [modal v] have expected " in BNC.

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1 In the worst possible case , that would slice A$250m off the result for this year , and nobody could have expected him to make up that sort of ground .
2 She had done what nobody could have expected her to do .
3 Given the nature of the business , nobody would have expected her to get in touch .
4 One might have expected the intense difficulties confronting British film producers to stimulate discussion ; instead it seems to have narrowed their perspective .
5 When the Berlin Wall was built in 1961 and the first killings began , one might have expected these siren voices calling for a third way to fall silent .
6 This volume provides an admirably full and even coverage of 13 years of these and many other projects , but it scarcely attempts the more critical profile one might have expected from Rizzoli .
7 The contrast between what one might have expected if changes in line with public choice theory were being implemented and what has actually happened can be illustrated still more clearly by looking rather more closely at particular service areas .
8 Both these cat families were in zoos , where the proximity of the male was forced on the female and where , if anywhere , one might have expected to see tom-cat aggression towards the young .
9 What 's quite remarkable about the necks of these guitars is that they 're as straight as could be ; one might have expected , after a quarter of a century festering away in an old warehouse , that the day-to-day fluctuations in temperature and moisture would have wreaked havoc .
10 It is interesting that in his later years Wordsworth regarded himself as a statesman as much as a poet ; he certainly annoyed his womenfolk by talking politics incessantly with Robert Southey , though one might have expected two writers to bore the company with literary theory .
11 One might have expected , therefore , that this issue about the nature and scope of linguistic description would have been interpreted as a derived issue , so to speak , in respect of syllabus design and methodology .
12 As we went away to the sounds of Mrs Otto 's profuse good-byes , I reflected on the nature of the relationship between her and Otto , almost the opposite to what one might have expected : the gallant captain going off to sea where his authority was absolute and his orders brooked no delay , and returning to a wife whom he clearly adored but where the roles were reversed .
13 One might have expected that at least some of the Labour members would welcome this opportunity to save the airport entrusted to them , but it appears that the ordinary members are unable to use their right to vote in accordance with their wishes , however strongly held .
14 One might have expected a sadistic Nightmare On Elm Street lyric to emerge from such interests , but instead he wrote the wonderfully moving ‘ Suffer Little Children ’ and later made a point of condemning Myra Hindley .
15 It was the sort of time and place where one might have expected an idea , the spring of a poem to well up from the quiet and the beauty .
16 It may sound strange to be pleased to discover that one has made a mistake , but it is , in fact , one of the most exciting things for a social scientist to discover — one really feels that one has found out something that went beyond what one might have expected through ‘ common sense ’ reasoning !
17 Perhaps such cases do not occur with the frequency one may so readily believe or that such cases do not get reported in the national press with the frequency that one might have expected ; or alternatively , perhaps the police are much more successful in capturing the so-called sex maniacs than we sometimes are led to imagine .
18 One might have expected an examination of the non-economic bases of liberal democracy or of bureaucracy in understanding the distinction between ‘ class power ’ and ‘ state power ’ , or ‘ the specificity of the political ’ ( Laclau , 1977 ) .
19 In other words , rather than set these antithetical approaches against each other as one might have expected , Foucault suggests that they are part of the same mutation .
20 Moreover , the new credits entailed a transfer from husbands to wives or , as the issue came to be known , from ‘ wallet to purse ’ , and hence one might have expected the male-dominated TUC to be opposed to them .
21 The Funeral March 's central trio becomes a true benediction , with a good deal less de- synchronization than one might have expected , and in his light-fingered whirl through the phantom finale Cortot allows himself just one furious gust before the final explosion .
22 Furthermore that while the history or literature of the past is re-read — and the impression given that the position of women is better than one might have expected — the more fundamental questions which need to be asked are not tackled .
23 But no sooner had Miriam gone than Harry suddenly returned looking more cheerful than one might have expected .
24 Conversation was more difficult than one might have expected .
25 His mathematics , as one might have expected , was impeccable .
26 This appears to be the case even in youth subcultures where one might have expected the greatest changes .
27 Nor does cran — seem to carry any meaning into newly coined forms : we can make sense , for instance , of billy-giraffe and nanny-giraffe by analogy with billy-goat and nanny-goat , and also of foot the fees ; but creations like cranbeads and bilbeads convey nothing , although one might have expected some interpretation such as ‘ small round red beads ’ and ‘ small round purple beads ’ .
28 One might have expected it to be either suffocated or swallowed up .
29 Johnson makes less of his stop among the Macraes than one might have expected .
30 Bearing in mind that after the stinginess of Armadale he had gone to the house of this ‘ hearty welcome ’ , and had been pleased with ‘ a numerous and cheerful company ’ — why did Boswell prove less forthcoming than one might have expected about the Mackinnons ?
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