Example sentences of "[was/were] on [art] whole " in BNC.

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1 Because the clergy were on the whole ministering to the poor , many of them could not avoid being caught up in the unrest , violence and fear .
2 The racegoers from the train were on the whole easily identifiable as they all seemed to have been issued with large red and white rosettes with Race Train passenger emblazoned on them in gold : and the rosettes proved not to be confined to those in the front half of the train because I came across Zak wearing one too , and he told me that everyone had been given one , the owners included , and where was mine ?
3 By the eve of the Reformation , the English monarchy had firmly subordinated papal authority to its own secular power , and relations between crown and papacy were on the whole productive and harmonious .
4 The Greeks spent several centuries under the heel of the Ottoman empire , which allowed them no form of self-government except in church matters ( about which the Turks were on the whole remarkably liberal ) .
5 They found that field social workers were on the whole critical of the residential experience .
6 The artists we met were on the whole very unmotivated and their lack of enthusiasm ( not to mention talent ) rubbed off on us .
7 The women were on the whole surprised at the question , apparently assuming that a dispersal of concentration is intrinsic to housework .
8 The powerful London Society of Compositors managed to see that women were on the whole excluded from the capital , even if some employers who had moved to the provinces did employ women .
9 The old craft trades were on the whole the first to organize trade societies , giving the labour movement in Scotland a particular character and ( some have argued ) a particular ideology in which the influence of thrift , temperance and respectability was very marked .
10 The Labour leadership was sceptical about workers ' control , indeed Cripps is reported as having said ‘ I think it would be almost impossible to have worker-controlled industry in Britain even if it were on the whole desirable ’ ( Coates & Topham , 1975 , p. 60 ) .
11 Amongst the girls I talked to , experiences of pregnancy were on the whole mixed .
12 It should be noted , however , that heads were on the whole reluctant to ascribe much more than moderate success to their coordinators in respect of any of these aims .
13 CD68 + macrophages were on the whole slightly more numerous than L1 + granulocytes in formalin fixed tissue ( Table III ) .
14 Campaigning groups were on the whole sceptical of the extent of the summit 's achievements .
15 In the ninth and tenth centuries the financial aspect of feudalism was on the whole less important than the military .
16 His manner was somewhat sharp and self-assured , not yet fanatical , and though his evenness of temper might be doubted , he was on the whole good company .
17 In the less fertile , wilder southern fringes it was on the whole more rewarding to raise stock whose meat could be salted down and whose hides could be tanned and made into clothing , shoes and cooking or storage pots .
18 She was on the whole a very satisfactory wife .
19 Alexei thought that it was on the whole foolish to remain where he was while there was an armed trooper to guard the two women .
20 But there is also this consideration , this incredible weakness of character on my client 's part : he was on the whole against people killing one another .
21 The gift of God 's Spirit was on the whole to special people for special tasks .
22 While in Scotland Calvinism was soon officially triumphant , in England it was on the whole successfully opposed by the compromise of Elizabethan Anglicanism upheld by the monarch and most of the Archbishops of Canterbury .
23 The quality of the works produced by Picasso and Braque was on the whole consistently high ( Gris ' output was more uneven in this respect despite the singlemindedness of his vision ) .
24 He was on the whole , a very decent and caring man who did his job well tried to help those around him .
25 Whereas Mr Sourrouille was on the whole a free-marketeer , Mr Pugliese thinks the state should play a bigger role in the economy ; he did not say how .
26 Students ' reactions to the pattern of the original version were interesting : they argued that it felt too " top-heavy " , too 'symmetrical " and was on the whole rather unsubtle .
27 There was as much in the loft as there was on the whole first floor .
28 I think people in the British churches , and probably outside them , twenty or thirty years ago lived in a rather secure world and they understood that God was on the whole on the side of the British Empire and the missionaries as they went out to civilize other places , and that was true also of the other European forms of God .
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