Example sentences of "[was/were] assumed [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 There was a time when five-star hotels were assumed to be better than four-star and so on down the line .
2 They lie in why the restructuring took place and in the forms of ownership and capital structure that were assumed to be superior to the old .
3 Still , the limping aircraft , which were assumed to be carrying arms , were not challenged .
4 A Labour Party spokesman said the Opposition accepted the principle of expatriate voting , but disapproved of ‘ disproportionate ’ Government effort and expense devoted to ‘ chasing ’ overseas voters who were assumed to be Tories .
5 The picture was not seen as ‘ a moment of time ’ but the wings were assumed to be spread for a long period ( Goldsmith , 1984 , pp.2–3 ) .
6 The Home Office sent a detective to report on the movements of ‘ the French people ’ — they were assumed to be foreign as they did not have a Somerset accent .
7 It was feared that members of Mboya 's Luo tribe would retaliate against the Kikuyu , the group who dominated the country 's political life and of which the assassins were assumed to be members .
8 He was disappearing regularly into the bowels of the City to meet various moneypersons , all of whom were assumed to be faintly threatening male chauvinists .
9 N-terminal lysine residues were assumed to be present in lysylendopeptidase digests because of the high specificity of this enzyme .
10 A royal banner now bestowed respectability on a cause ; kings ' wars were assumed to be for the sake of peace , even when cripplingly expensive and increasingly savage .
11 Now they were assumed to be — well , gay , but not in the sense he acknowledged .
12 For intergroup comparison the data were assumed to be non-parametric and the Wilcoxon 's rank-sum comparison was used .
13 The reasons are simple : Quisling , a former army officer , diplomat , and minister of defence was the first of his kind ; and his bid for power , though his own idea , by coinciding with the German takeover was assumed to be part of it .
14 Added to this was an acceptance of liberal Victorian culture to such a degree that it was assumed to be as eternal as the gospel itself .
15 The result was that his serious physical illness was assumed to be a form of ‘ school phobia ’ and his parents were threatened with a court order if he did not return to school Access to the file , including the head 's letter , would have enabled correction of the factual errors at least and perhaps an accurate diagnosis of his illness to be made .
16 It would have been impossible to predict the way events developed after October 1917 , and the policy of the Party seemed on numerous grounds to be the most sensible , the only one which went some way to reconciling the need for large economic units ( which , rightly or wrongly , was assumed to be decisive for material progress ) and for democracy , understood as the right of peoples to choose their own State .
17 There was assumed to be a counterpart in human events to every celestial phenomenon .
18 For the first six months of my mother 's pregnancy , I was assumed to be indigestion .
19 In this case Tx was assumed to be negligible .
20 The culprit was assumed to be the young woman whose charred body had been trapped by the flames ; she was identified as a feminist — funny , when PopCon had been giving money and moral support to feminist groups .
21 No pornographer has ever been punished for being a woman-hater. but not too long ago information about female sexuality , contraception and abortion was assumed to be obscene .
22 It suddenly became clear to me that I was assumed to be equally as wilfully ignorant .
23 Until March he was assumed to be a reliable , if conservative , servant of the president .
24 Until recently it was assumed to be a flattened axisymmetric spheroid ( that is , one which is round in the plane of the Galaxy ) .
25 The intrapatient standard deviation for this parameter was assumed to be 0.6 mmol/l .
26 Unfortunately , until well into the twentieth century , the safe period was assumed to be at mid-month .
27 A second barrel was opened , and a third , but some said this was n't necessary , for it was the accepted custom that if one barrel was found to be wanting , the shortage was assumed to be the same in all the rest .
28 That is , the specialisation of the left hemisphere for language among inverters was assumed to be less complete than the right sided specialisation of non-inverters .
29 The act of shipping the barley in Maynegrain was assumed to be sufficient to amount to conversion , but the position is different where the defendant innocently interferes with P 's goods whether upon his own initiative or upon the instructions of another , when the defendant 's act amounts to nothing more than transport or custody of the goods .
30 However , in all these papers , wage determination was assumed to be exogenous .
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